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#16 Post by AnnR »

Im from the UK, east anglia. I have only seen one other adult in braces (apart from the lady in the ortho waiting room on Monday!!) and that was last night - the lady behind the bar had braces when I went out - made me feel a lot happier!!

I'm not rich either, people have assumed that I must have loads of money but actually I'm paying monthly and its a struggle to be honest but I can see its not forever!!

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#17 Post by AnnR »

forgot to say they estimated 18 months! 6 would be lovely!!!!! I dread going in and him saying it may take longer than he thought.......

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#18 Post by SilverGirl »

I'm from the U.S., and none of my costs are covered ($5,550 for ceramic uppers metal lowers, time estimate 1 year).

I think people in the U.S. generally find crooked teeth to be unattractive. I know quite a few adults who've had braces in their adult years (some had worn braces as teenagers but their teeth had shifted), but unfortunately I don't know anyone currently! So I still feel like an oddball.

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#19 Post by DesertCat »

I'm in the US, and it's all out of pocket. Both ortho and all the dental stuff. I've never seen or met another adult with (or who has even had) braces, but I don't have/never have had friends/acquaintances so...

Mine aren't for cosmetic reasons, and my original estimate was 24-30 months. It was get braces or lose more teeth (and spend more than what the braces cost on more dental work).

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#20 Post by roost22 »

Flaka wrote:I am from Ecuador but have been in the US for over 10 years. I had braces back home but I was a rebel teenager and took them off myself with pliers :oops: so now, I am paying the consequences again.

In my experience, Orthodontic treatment, here in the US is not usually covered by insurance. Most insurance covers little to nothing, unless you have great dental insurance and even then you will have to pay a good chunk out of pocket for the insurance.
When you have insurance through your work, you still have to pay a percentage of the insurance that is deducted from each paycheck. There are employers who will pay 100% of your medical insurance but I am not sure about dental. Orthodontic treatment in the US is considered as a "cosmetic" procedure, therefore not covered by insurance.

My treatment cost is $6300. My insurance paid $1000 (including the consultation fee) and I paid $5300 out of pocket.

Most consultations are "free" when you decide to go with the Ortho you are seeing as they include the consultation fee in the total treatment price. I am sure other people have different experiences.

I think that a lot of people here in the US get braces for cosmetic reasons due to the "hollywood culture" and the pressure from society to look "perfect". I am not against these people. If you can fix something, do it and good for you, but that is just my opinion :)
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#21 Post by jackjack »

I'm in the US, California to be exact. I see adults with braces pretty often and it was not a big deal having braces as an adult for me. I don't have insurance so I paid out of pocket on a payment plan.

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#22 Post by hypocrite opportunist »

I'm from the US and I haven't ran into another adult with braces yet, but I know it's quite common. In fact, 40% of my orthodontist's patients are adults. It seems like crooked teeth are viewed pretty negatively here.
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#23 Post by NervousNewbie »

In the US, in the Midwest.

Braced September 23, 2010
Debraced February 20, 2014
Estimated Treatment Time: 24 months
Actual Treatment Time: 41 months

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#24 Post by Noodle1 »

I'm from Manchester, UK. I didn't have to pay for the first consultation as long as I went ahead with treatment. I've seen quite a few people wearing braces, only because i was looking out for it more, don't remember ever really seeing anyone before but i've definitely seen about 7 people since i started. My Ortho said 15 months +/- 3 months so he wasn't too far off really.
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Re: Where is everyone from?

#25 Post by hazel »

I'm form Malta. Apart from kids, I've seen a couple of twenty somethings.....haven't seen anyone my age in braces yet.....but I do see many people my age with crooked teeth....and that makes me feel good about my braces! :D

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#26 Post by Donna »

I live in Singapore but I'm Canadian. I have not seen many adults with braces here, but when I visit Bangkok, I see tons of them. Probably because it is so cheap there.

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#27 Post by bottlecap1990 »

Atlantic U.S here.
My insurance covered most of my orthodontic and dentistry. I paid a couple thousand only.

estimated time: he said at least 18 months.
RPE. 6/5/2010
Full metal braces, 8/7/2010
Braces Removed, 6/12/2013

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#28 Post by poppy123 »

Hey Noodle. im from manchester uk too. i saw my first other adult in braces yesterday.....maybe it was you ha ha! A friend of mine is getting braces now, she got the date set etc, am very excited im gonna have a brace buddy!

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#29 Post by macgirl4ever »

I live in the Tampa Bay area. My insurance paid $1,360. I paid $2,250. (does not include retention). I have met several adults with braces. I work with teenagers who either want braces or have them so it really hasn't been a big deal for me. My students often tell me what color they want me to choose next time.

A few years ago, my organization hired a few employes from the Philippines. One of them wore a Hawley retainer even though her midline was significantly off (by two teeth at least). She told me that her orthodontist removed her braces and gave her a retainer to wear in the states because it would be much too expensive for her to continue over here. I remember she told me that she paid about $800 US dollars for treatment and that her ortho wasn't charging to remove/reinstall when she returned. Crazy.
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#30 Post by Loztredders »

I'm from the uk too, West Midlands.
I've only ever seen one other adult braced, so it's very uncommon where I'm from, however, most adults already have nice straight teeth, thanks to the NHS and them all being able to get free treatments as teens, which I stupidly turned down! :?

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