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Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:35 am
by kbenz
I voted... good luck!

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:56 pm
by klobird
Tied Again!! That Olga is really out to get you!!!

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:02 pm
by belistic10
ooh this damn Olga!! :x thanks klobird for rounding up more votes!! i am sure together we can beat her!! :lol:

only like 12 days left till the comp ends!! hope i can overtake her again, last i checked we were tied yet again!
I havent even been asking for more votes on my facebook as i have been so busy with one of my girls being very unwell :( i bet this Olga has alot more time to get votes than i do! i think we should both win! LOL

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:02 pm
by belistic10
thanks everyone for voting! trying my hardest to get as many as possible now, if i can get a lead over her again i am hoping she might giveup :P

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:16 pm
by belistic10

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:27 am
by klobird
Hey B--I still have 3 more easy to get votes up my sleeve. Your campaign manager is still at work--mostly because that
Olga is really annoying....This is like a video game to me or something! :mrgreen:

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:54 pm
by belistic10
klobird wrote:Hey B--I still have 3 more easy to get votes up my sleeve. Your campaign manager is still at work--mostly because that
Olga is really annoying....This is like a video game to me or something! :mrgreen:
:lol: :lol: you crack me up!! i have been trying to round up more votes through my facebook today, but last i checked i am 3 behind :( got only 7 days left till the comp ends so i need LOTS to overtake her and keep a lead till the 30th!! Everyone please please vote for me!!! & i promise i wont ever ask again for any votes :lol:

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:04 am
by belistic10
klobird it is only possible to vote from a computer not a phone unfortunately! i am one point behind still. I have found out the competition definately ends Wednesday 30th November at MIDNIGHT! so i have till then to get ahead of her by miles :lol: going to need a very good lead to beat her as she is damn determined!

so please everyone can you get anyone you know to vote from their facebook page for me!! this would help me out so much, our 3.5yr old would love to play that while mummy brushes and flosses a million times a day :computer: :computer:

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:36 pm
by TMJJill
I started my braces journey just before you. I've enjoyed your posts and voted a while ago. I'm visiting my parents for Thanksgiving. I just got you 2 votes. Hope this helps. Looks like you are one up right now. I'll still try to get you another vote or two. Good luck. :wink:

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:59 pm
by klobird
Where the hekyll and jekyll did you get all those votes??? Ok, so my plan is--I have a few more votes in my pocket--if Olga Shmolga does her thing again--I am going to get mine to vote like the day before the 30th...she's quite a competitor though and I bet she has something up her sleeve too....hmmmmm.....

You go with your bad self!!!! :HugeGrin:

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 2:36 am
by belistic10
i have been recruiting more from friends of friends on facebook! lol i have some great friends that are trying to get me more votes, but she is so close behind and keeps getting more too :( not liking my chances but will try my best till wednesday! wish is was over sooner lol
hopefully you guys can get some more friends votes for me :) thanks for all the help. i promise never to ask for votes ever again :crazy:

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 6:22 pm
by belistic10
bump :) update: i am only 4 in front

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:10 am
by klobird
How in the heck did Olga Shmolga get 15 votes ahead overnight????? :Questions:

I wonder what website she's on???

Re: I need EVERYONES help!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:52 am
by belistic10
its even worse today, shes 30 ahead now :( so sick of this comp, why couldnt they just pick a winner? i hate this voting crap lol