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Re: How Accurate are Orthodontist's on Treatment Time?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:39 am
by Boilers
I've had brace for about one year. At today's adjustment, the ortho was marveling at the progress thus far (I have to agree with him). So, I ask if this means the braces may come off earlier than the anticipated two years. He said it's too early to tell, but probably not. Maybe they just don't want to get my hopes up too much.

Re: How Accurate are Orthodontist's on Treatment Time?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:11 pm
by AquarianDragon
My estimate is 26-30 months. I saw my dentist a few weeks ago for a cleaning and she says I'm progressing well. She told me if go for adjustments as requested and follow my home care plan, she thinks I could be done in 18-20 months. I plan to ask the ortho her thoughts after the expander does it's job.

Re: How Accurate are Orthodontist's on Treatment Time?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 6:53 am
by Clare85
I was told 2 years 'but by using suresmile technology we can cut the treatment time down by 40%'. Ha!
Well, I'm at the 2 year mark now and just had jaw surgery 2.5 weeks ago which I was NEVER advised I might need at the start. I'm looking at another 6-12 months in braces and have spent twice as much money as initially anticipated (because of the surgery).
Best of luck. I advise full hospital and extras insurance cover to any of my friends considering getting braces. I only wish someone had been there to give me the same advice before I started on my journey.

Re: How Accurate are Orthodontist's on Treatment Time?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:00 am
by batwing
I am having surgery toward the end of my treatment. I was told my teeth would be where they need to be at around 18 months, but that I would need to stay in the braces a total of 24-30 months to stabilize post-surgery. The orthodontist thinks 24 months might be a little ambitious, so I keep telling myself 30 months so that I don't get my hopes up. :wink:

Re: How Accurate are Orthodontist's on Treatment Time?

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:13 am
by Ellebraced
I think it depends on how well your teeth move,if you wear your elastics, and just plain luck

My original estimate was 18 -32 months LOL. 32 if I got surgery which I decided not to. The ortho ladies say most adults have for 24 months or a bit longer. There is a lot of room to be right in that estimate :lol:

I wear my elastics 24/7 , change constantly and I think at the longest my braces will be 24 months but my teeth are looking close so it could be this summer which would be about 19 months.

I will ask again next appointment how much longer, sometimes I just don't want to know the answer if its going to be longer then I want. Trying to just accept the process and know they will come off when they are ready. Like someone said, They already got your $$, you having a longer treatment doesn't pay them more and they know people don't want them on any longer then necessary.

Good luck!!

PS I am soooo jealous of people that only need them like 12 months, that would be so easy :-) Sometimes I wish I had just gotten invisalign because my estimate was only 12 months that way.

Re: How Accurate are Orthodontist's on Treatment Time?

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 5:37 am
by blackapple
Me just two months under the estimate. I was told they would be off before the end of last year but that didn't happen.