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Does anyone know why their treatment time got extended so much? Did your orthodontist decide to change tactics, were new problems discovered, or did your teeth just not move as fast as they hoped? Anyone think their ortho tried to treat a problem with braces that should have been addressed differently? I'm not trying to accuse anyone's orthodontist, more like taking a poll on why treatment times are mis-judged.
With me, I think it just took longer for things to move. Plus, I had jaw surgery, so based on those results, it may have added more time. And I'm sure my orthodontist was a little more aggressive with his prediction to make it seem like it wouldn't be that long.
Overall, I'm happy with the results, but it's taking a little longer than expected. Although I did set my date for debanding: December 3. Very excited.
I could've started this thread myself. This Dec. will be 2 yrs. And I was quoted as having it for 24-26 months. And when I saw my chart last time, it said estimated time was next March. But then my ortho said, I hope it's off by then.
My crossbite is all fixed. It's just this big stubborn gap I have on my top left. (see my other thread.) I can't even imagine if I have to have it for 3 years. But now I really have no idea when they're coming off. I feel like he's not doing enough and just keeps doing powerchains and wait and see. But obviously he did fix my crossbite, but I don't think he anticipated me having this gap.
It's very frustrating. Part of me almost wished I didn't get braces again.