Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

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Re: Hi there, question about Ceramic and Lingual Braces

#16 Post by Gemma90 »

Hey everyone, its been a long time!

I have the braces thing at the back of my mind still. And my concerns from a year ago are exactly the same/whats holding me back now. Also I feel i'd be embarrassed to have braces at the age I am. And the cost of course.

Im just fed up of my gappy teeth! I never wanted the 'Hollywood Perfect' smile believe it or not, I just wish it was my teeth, but with no gaps and slightly whiter. I don't know anybody with such gappy lower teeth as mine! Even people who never had braces at least their teeth touch and there isn't noticable gaps when they talk.

I really regret not having braces when I was 15, I wish my parents had forced me, haha, instead they didn't have much opinion if I remember rightly, the decision was pretty much up to me. When I've hinted at my regret to friends they tell me theres nothing wrong with my teeth because they look straight, but they agree they are small and gappy.

What I realise about my bottom teeth which are the most noticeably gappy (3 front teeth) is that they 'fan out' or stick out, when looking at them from the side. One of my concerns is that pushing them back will make my already smallish lips less full. Another of my concerns is the fact I have a asymetrical jaw, which would only be noticed if I pointed it out, but that my teeth are 'slanted' if you really look, a bit like this / / / / I don't know if that means it may be more difficult to achieve what im after because of it, I don't want it to look even more asymetrical.

When I had a consultation a year ago, the dentist said it seemed 'pretty easy' and would expect me in 6 month smile braces for 5 - 6 months. I'll have to try and get a photo up of how they look.

Do you think its worth trying to purse this again?

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