Braceface Greeting Etiquette

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Re: Braceface Greeting Etiquette

#16 Post by quentin »

I was at a diner recently and inquired about soups of the day etc, when the server finally noticed my Damon Clears. She then regaled me with tales of having braces for 3 years and having just removed them several months ago etc. She was probably in her mid-40s, and said she wished she had braces done earlier.

When the check was presented, I realized that my soup was free! :D

(I realize I get a lot of "brace sympathy" from various people, even if they don't currently have braces on)
Braced: 11 Feb 2013
Debraced: 13 Aug 2014
Expected duration: 24 months
Actual duration: 18 months
Damon Clear uppers (all); Damon metal lowers

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Re: Braceface Greeting Etiquette

#17 Post by rhibee83 »

amyhenna wrote:EricRoyalOak, are you of the Michigan variety? Which Home Depot were you at? I should go there & strike up the same conversation & the guy will think he's in the Twilight Zone (assuming he knows what that is or that the show ever existed, given his age). Did you recruit the compadre to the board? :rawk: :dance:

I recently ran into a couple of braced buddies (buddies in my mind, if not theirs) at Whole Foods at 14 Mile and Orchard Lake Road, but I only saw each of them one time. They were cashiers, which seem to have a high turnover rate there lately, so maybe they've moved on, braces and all.

I love teeth!!!

I took this great picture of myself at lunch with a flosser hanging from dental floss, strung over the wire between my two front brackets. It's a great picture. I hope these things never come off so I can always have this much fun. :lol:
hahaha you are so cute, you never want them to come off? I think you are like the first person I have heard that wants them to stay on forever lol!

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Re: Braceface Greeting Etiquette

#18 Post by WiredJon »

I was in Morocco recently and bumped into two locals who were wearing braces whilst there (oddly, both were waiters/waitresses). I would have said something, but they only seemed to speak French and very small amounts of English, so instead I gave them a smile to show that they weren't alone :tingrin:

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Re: Braceface Greeting Etiquette

#19 Post by EricRoyalOak »

Allen Park, paint department.

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