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Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:34 pm
by Bikerchick85
Just my two cents... I wouldn't get debanded if I was not satisfied. That being said, I also wouldn't accept the result you have now even though it is a great improvement! :) If it were me, I would NOT do extractions. You have a skeletal problem that extractions won't fix. I would go through the surgery. Just my opinion that that's what will give you your best, most functional and most lasting end result. Hope that helps! And good luck! I'd go ahead and do it if you aren't preggers already ;)

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:20 pm
by fosterp
It would look like that may be the best you can do without surgery or extractions.

You could maybe ask if IPR is an option on your top teeth. That is where they shave off a little bit between teeth in order to give room to retract further.

If you are really unhappy with the appearance it might be worth going the whole 9 yards and going for the surgery. Braces can only do so much.

Just make sure whatever you do, try to get on the same page as far as expectations are concerned to how your treatment will end up so you don't get to the end of whatever road you choose and be unhappy again.

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:07 pm
by Tobilei
If you were to get debanded and have a baby (or two) over the next few years, then have the surgery, would you need to get braces a 3rd time? I'd ask in the meantime if there's anything else that can be done without extracting teeth if you don't want to and just see what your options are.

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 3:58 am
by oimysizex
Hello AltoRose, there is only so much braces can do and they look great and very straight and i think you have a good result with them alone. Obviously surgery would give you the BEST results but as you do not want to go through this i think your teeth have improved massively!!!!!

good luck :)

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 1:40 pm
by Anna5

Wow, what a huge improvement your teeth have made, congratulations!!! And yes, they are not perfect but probably the best you can get without surgery or extractions.
I think I would be happy with this results if I were you, considering your situation. But if you are not happy, definitely talk about it with your ortho. Maybe you can be in braces for a bit longer?
Or else, if you are really not happy, go for the surgery if you are not pregant yet. If you can get surgery soon so that I won't delay your conception too much. But otherwise,I would say, leave it for now. Your teeth have improved a lot, they definitely don't look bad. I even think they look fine! I would say, go and start a family. See how things are going and maybe have the surgery in a couple of years if you are still not satisfied then? Good luck! Please keep us updated!

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:31 pm
by AltoRose

So I did get debraced this morning, on time and everything. My top teeth moved in just a teeny bit more since I first posted two weeks, they're not perfect but they're not panic-inducing, either. :D Overall, I just decided that I'd gotten what I wanted out of the braces. My crooked/crowded teeth are straight, I can bite into things again, and I can FLOSS like a normal person. (Huzzah!) Anything else at this point, such as jaw surgery, would have been purely cosmetic and I just don't want to go through all that unless I absolutely have to.

So here's the final result. There's still a minor open bite and the top teeth still do stick out a little, but I can live with it. They look WORLDS better than they did last year at this time. For 11 months of treatment and no surgery, I'm pretty happy.

(Incidentally, they gave me an Essix retainer and I HATE it. I can't bite down completely because of all the plastic so I'm walking around today looking like Napoleon Dynamite, lol. Can't wait to go back in a few weeks and switch to my Hawley!)

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:08 pm
by dobiegil
Congratulations with your decision and debanding. Your teeth look great.


Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:29 pm
by illay
i think they are actually not stick out but it looks stick out for you because the gum line of your front teeth is higher and you look at it in the point of view where there is still braces attached.

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:34 am
by SunshineRay

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:49 am
by djspeece
You look great and what a wondeful smile! Congratulations.

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:21 am
by Anna5
Congratulations on achieving all your goals!!! I am very happy for you and I think your teeth look beautiful!

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:01 pm
by Marie45
Congratulations! I think your teeth look fabulous and you have a beautiful smile now! Enjoy... :jump:

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 4:54 pm
by Kipepeo
They do look pretty, and you have a very genuine smile. Congrats!!!

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 9:15 am
by busy bee
Yay, congratulations! They look great!

Re: Braces off in two teeth sticking out

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:55 pm
by Winkos
I think your teeth and smile look great. I respect that you took a conservative approach without surgery and extractions. I got braces for functional reasons, and not really for cosmetic reasons. I would be very happy to have my smile turn out as nice as yours.