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Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 2:05 am
by Anna5
Thanks for your reply, Marigold. That is good that you can settle for a bit of imperfection and you are right, as long as your bite feels good, why worry about a few subtle imperfections that probably only you will ever notice?

I will never reach perfection I am sure, even not with surgery. I have some wear on my teeth and when I was young, my dentist extracted one premolar, and therefore my midline is a bit off and my teeth will never be completely symmetrical.

I think we are our own worst critics. I see every imperfection at my own teeth, but when I ask others about it, they say they don't even notice. And if they notice, they don't care. I think I should relax a bit!!!

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:22 pm
by starfish88
I have to say that since braces I notice imperfections in other peoples teeth a lot more! Maybe because my mind is on teeth more and I know whats normal and whats not! That said minor imperfections as long as they arent doing you any harm (TMJ disorders or wear etc)I think are great and add character to a face.

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:01 pm
by Marigold
Right on, Anna and starfish88! Who wants teeth so perfect they look fake? :thumbsup:

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:43 pm
by Anna5
I definitely don't want to. I don't need a fake hollywood smile, just a nice 'Anna' smile!

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:09 pm
by burtburgerac
Hi All! It's so nice to hear that other people have turned down the 'perfect' surgery option as this is what I have done. I have a very large overjet due to a short bottom jaw, as well as fairly wonky teeth. The only way to fix the overjet (in the UK where I am) is with surgery but I didn't want the risks and I was also concerned I wouldn't like the results. I have decided to just have ceramics top and bottom for 6 months to straighten things out with no overjet reduction. I'm hoping I'll be happy enough with this. If I'm honest I wish I had never been given the surgery option as I spent 3 years making a decision and being even more a paranoid about my teeth!

No they won't be perfect but at least I'll still look like me!

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 9:27 am
by Anna5
I am sure you made the right decision, burtburgerac!

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 11:24 am
by burtburgerac
I think most people have a gut feeling what is right for them and as long as you've looked into all the facts, ultimately everyone has to do what feels right for them - perfection or no perfection!

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:12 am
by bracesagain2
Hi Anna5 - I had a crossbite and one option my ortho presented was surgery. I knew I did not want to go that far just to fix my crossbite. So I just got braces only.

But I think I was expecting and wanting perfection. And my ortho keeps saying he didn't have perfect teeth to work with. He told he would try to get it as perfect as he can.

But in general I'm happy with my results. I'm not happy about the midline not being centered, but the crossbite is fixed. And my bite is corrected too. I think my ortho cared the most about my bite.

It's weird - I guess when I got braces again - I was hoping for perfection. But then we learn in life, nothing is perfect - right? :wink:

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:52 am
by Anna5
Hello braceagain2,

I liked what you said. That you were hoping for perfection. But then we learn in life that nothing is perfect.
In fact, there is also some beauty in imperfection, if you can see that. I am trying to learn that myself now.... Or at least to try not to focus too much on my imperfections, because as long as I do that I will never be happy I think....

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:23 am
by bracesagain2
Hi Anna5 - I know how you feel. I think my ortho kept telling me - he didn't start out working with perfect teeth.

So I think he was trying to tell me, I can't expect perfect either.

It's hard b/c I know we all want what we want.

But in the end, hopefully your ortho will do the best to get the problem fixed and you'll be happy with the results.

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:49 am
by Anna5
Thank you, bracesagain2. I wish you the same, that you will be happy with your results as well, even if they may not be 100% textbook perfect....

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:03 am
by Anna5
Anyone else who is settling for less than perfection???

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:30 am
by bessadoo
I'm going into this witht he expectation that my teeth/bite may never truly be perfect and I'm ok with that. Let's face it being in an adult has it's limitations with what your bones and teeth can do and handle.

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:35 am
by Anna5
Thanks, Bessadoo. You have a good attitude I think. I wish you good luck with your treatment!

Any one else who is settling for less than perfection or anyone else who cannot settle for less than perfection?

Re: Is it OK to settle for less than perfect?

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:21 am
by Anna5

I have found a great website for people (like me!) who are struggling with body image issues and with not being 'perfect'.
The name of the website is:

There are quite some teeth- related issues on this website. People who have struggled with these insecurities, but have overcome them and/or accept them as making them unique.

I would like to share some of these stories with you, only for those who are interested of course: ... -smile-the ... d-my-smile ... nky-yellow ... elative-to ... y-disorder

I love to see how these people have overcome there insecurities with their teeth and self esteem issues because of this, although their teeth will never be perfect.

I think it is great that we are getting orthodontics to improve our smile, but that we also have the right to be happy and have peace even if the result will never be 100% perfect. I admit that this remains a struggle for me as well, but I am trying to think this way.....
