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Re: Talk me out of doing it...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:23 am
by Leebie3
suck it up princess! :D

It's about YOU not other people.. you think they're looking and talking but do you know what they're saying? For all you know they might be saying how much they wished they'd had the guts to get something done about their teeth.. or JEEZ! How lucky that they can afford to get their teeth fixed! POSITIVE STUFF! orrrrr you could just be being paranoid.. :p

yep, as everyone above has said, sometimes it'll hurt and you'll wonder why the heck you're doing this but then you'll look in the mirror or look back on old photos and see the changes and LOVE your braces.

Go love yourself.. you deserve to have good teeth. your mouth deserves to have a good bite.

ps: I'm 37 with teenage kids! They are sooo proud of me for doing this. They love showing their friends the changes in my smile. They're excited about getting THEIR braces soon and I'm being a great role model that I'm looking after my body. What I'm trying to say is that people respect me for doing this and are in awe.. they're not picking on me.. that's a thing of the olden days when not many people had them and they were HUGE and you had to wear headgear during the day!.. honestly.

pps - I figure if my braces are gonne be noticeable I'm damned well gonna have fun with it! get coloured ligs! :) I let my ortho choose sometimes.. he usually picks something 'out there' like fluro orange and green alternating LOL but my 4 year old can't wait to see what colours I'll come home with..

Re: Talk me out of doing it...

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:26 am
by Lorianne
Leebie3 wrote:suck it up princess! :D

It's about YOU not other people.. you think they're looking and talking but do you know what they're saying? For all you know they might be saying how much they wished they'd had the guts to get something done about their teeth.. or JEEZ! How lucky that they can afford to get their teeth fixed! POSITIVE STUFF! orrrrr you could just be being paranoid.. :p

yep, as everyone above has said, sometimes it'll hurt and you'll wonder why the heck you're doing this but then you'll look in the mirror or look back on old photos and see the changes and LOVE your braces.

Go love yourself.. you deserve to have good teeth. your mouth deserves to have a good bite.

Re: Talk me out of doing it...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:04 pm
by NervousNewbie
Don't do it... that way, you can look back 5 years from now and still have the same teeth instead of the perfect teeth you'd have had if you'd just jumped in and done it! :-*

Re: Talk me out of doing it...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:27 am
by millersgirl
OMG just do it!!

I have ceramic on top (4 weeks) and get my metal bottoms in a few days. It sucks, they hurt. It's a pain in the butt to keep them clean. Make sure you buy a waterpik. Flossing takes for ever. I have to brush my teeth at work. I have a wire that constantly pokes into my cheek so I have to cake on the wax. Sometimes I forget the wax is there and start eating then realize I swallowed the wax. And I'm only one month in...I've got 29 left to go.

...but in 29 months if all goes according to plan, I'm going to start my 30's with the smile I always wanted. And it's going to be worth it.

I can be real in that, they're kind of a get used to it fast...but they're still a pain. But if you have the means, I HIGHLY recommend you doing it.