when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#16 Post by isishdz »

All my years of high school! My parents were finally able to afford it so I'm getting them now my freshman year of college :)

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#17 Post by Camblkid »

In my mid-30s. I often wanted them as a kid, but really never needed them. But in my mid-30s my bottom teeth started to crowd and I started to bite the inside of my lip with my lower right canine tooth. At a regular cleaning appointment with a new dentist, she noticed the crowding and my apparent over bite, and asked if I had ever considered braces. I said I'd thought about Invisalign, she smiled and said that wasn't going to work with what I needed done LOL. So, enter some thought, consideration, and x-rays, and I'm now 42 years old and the months into a set of good old fashioned metal braces. I had my second adjustment yesterday and she added in rubber bands. I'll be happy when this part is over!

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#18 Post by purplestar »

After everyone starts taking selfie with close up picture.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#19 Post by jodyxlee »

I have always wanted my teeth straight. The biggest push for me was wanting to get married. I want to be able to smile in my wedding photos!

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#20 Post by Gerbera »

I've wanted braces since my early twenties and even made an appointment with an orthodontist 9 years ago, but bottled it!

I decided to go through with it when my daughter was going through the process of consultations and we ended up getting braced two weeks apart. In a way, I'm glad that I'm doing it now as it's helped my daughter to go through it with someone and I'm actually proud of them rather than being worried about how they look.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#21 Post by nitro »

Two weeks ago. I went to get new retainers since I moved states and can't get back to my old ortho. New ortho quoted me for new retainers and asked if my teeth bothered me at all. She pointed out a few flaws (rotated bicuspid, midline isn't aligned, two molars aren't touching) and now I've gotten two additional quotes and am weeks from getting braces on again.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#22 Post by Chell38 »

Last year why? I don't know but for some reason it had really start to bother me

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#23 Post by jaime »

I was told when I was 12 or 13 by the dentist that I needed braces, but my parents wouldn't pay for it (it was so cheap back then too, argh). So ever since then, I've wanted braces. I put it off until I was 27 because it never felt like the right time. I had actually grown more confident with my teeth because even though they were crooked, the crookedness was symmetrical. I didn't feel too self-conscious smiling in photos but now when I look back, yuck! Wish I had done it sooner! The thing that finally prompted me was that my sister said she wanted braces and she didn't want to put if off like I tried to convince her to (I wanted some time to save). I'm glad she pushed me because who knows how long I would have waited!
SARPE: December 19, 2013
Expander out/TPA in: May 13th, 2014
Upper and lower braces: May 21, 2014
Lefort I + BSSO + sliding genioplasty: June 11, 2015
Braces off: November 28th, 2016!!!
Braces on again, upper and lower: September 3, 2024

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#24 Post by buffon85 »

I always wanted my teeth fixed, I hate them since 12-13 years old. since adult braces weren't as common as today, when i got 17 i thought i missed the train.
and since it was obvious that i wont get braces the "you need braces" became "ok its not that bad". until 22-23 i never smiled at photos, i wouldn't smile widely, i would hide my teeth with my hand when i was laughing, but I got more confident even if i still hated my smile. and adult braces became more common and i started thinking it again when i was 25-26 but i never took the big step. i used to think, i am younger and prettier than ever, i don't want to "waste" those years with braces.. and then the idea that i don't want to live with this smile for the rest of my life, started growing inside me and i got them.
and i believe that there isn't a right age to have braces, they are for everyone.


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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#25 Post by Kararenee90 »

I have wanted my teeth fixed since I was a kid but my parents could not afford them. I realized that the time to get braces was now because I will be getting married in 22 months. I want to feel confident that day and actually enjoy getting pictures taken for once.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#26 Post by Lala082008 »

I've disliked my teeth since I was a teen, but my main problem has always been my bite. I don't like the way my chin looks in profile. Last year I had LASIK and it was such a great experience to not have to wear glasses anymore. It made me realize how worthwhile it is to invest in yourself like this. Even though braces are technically 'cosmetic' (although I do have some TMJ issues that need fixing), it's way more than that for me. I know getting rid of my overbite will make me feel more confident about my smile.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#27 Post by dejavu »

I was told I needed braces when I was a preteen. My parents were pretty well off and could have afforded it easily, but when they asked if I wanted them, I said no and we never did it. So frustrating to think back to my preteen self's decision, knowing now the problems I could have avoided. Oh, well.

Basically my teeth have always been straight except for the front two bottom teeth, which are mildly crooked. My dentist didn't explain that it was my bite that was messed up, so I just figured I was fine as I was. Well...a few years down the line and now I've got TMJ. I have an open bite (I actually didn't even realize your front teeth are supposed to overlap!) and my front top teeth and bottom teeth collide when I bite down fully, so they're at risk of chipping/wearing down. That was what prompted me into finally getting braces. So I guess it was more for function than about my smile, but I am curious about what I'll look like when it's done.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#28 Post by Collie »

As an adult? Probably a couple years ago, around age 24-25. My teeth aren't great, but my main issue is with how bad my bite is and how uneven my face looks when I smile. I can disguise it fine in pictures but when I talk a lot or smile with teeth my misalignment really shows. I just want to be able to smile confidently and I can't wait to start the journey!

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#29 Post by braced43 »

In my 30s my front teeth started to shift but I wasn't sure I wanted braces at my age so I put it off. Now I am 43 and just got my braces on today. It just kept getting worse and it was making me very self conscious, so I figured if I was going to be self conscious I might as well get braces and fix the problem.

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Re: when did you realize you wanted to get your smile fixed?

#30 Post by lilyflower »

Probably high school when I noticed how bad the lower crowding was getting - of course, it got worse after my wisdom teeth fully erupted. There was no way my parents would've paid for it then and I was broke most of my 20s so that ruled things out. I kept thinking that if I did it before "x" age it'd be good or I should've done it whatever number of years ago.

This year when I found out that I really was going to have problems in the future if I didn't address the lower crowding I finally took the plunge and had even resigned myself to brackets if I had to - it wasn't until I went to an ortho who actually told me I was a good candidate for Invisalign now that the G5 was out. So I guess waiting saved me some pain and annoyance because what I have in my mouth now seems a lot better than bite turbos or a bite plate. (I would've had to have at least something like that with my overbite to start).
The problems:
Lower crowding, a slightly rotated upper canine and a deep bite

Invisalign G5 started Oct 12, 2015
Attachments: 21
Total number of trays: 28 upper, 38 lower
Estimated treatment time: 18 months
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