Moving molars forward

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Re: Moving molars forward

#16 Post by nuttybunny »

pcspinheiro wrote:
> So... long term follow up, as I haven't been around for very long... Braces
> came off (for the second time) last week. I'm pretty happy with the result.
> I have a slight midline shift, but that was expected when trying to close
> the unilateral gap of a needless premolar extraction. The second ortho did
> a good job overall and my smile is again more natural, as it had always
> been, but with straight teeth. I do wish she had used a TAD to anchor the
> front teeth and avoid some arch collapse, but it's really not bad at all.
> Unfortunately I still have a small pickle to solve with her regarding
> retention... She made the casting immediately after removal of the braces,
> but the problem is that I only had top braces this time and my bite was
> off. So now I find myself settling the bite during the whole day without
> the retainer and it feels fine by night time, when I have to (painfully)
> put the retainer back and set the bite off again... and repeat that the
> next day when my bite if off once more. I already tried to explain to her
> that I need a new retainer, made by the end of a day without it, but she
> doesn't seem to get it. I know it's standard procedure to retain right away
> WHEN you've had full top-bottom braces and your bite should be as good as
> it gets by the end of it. But that wasn't my case and the bite was off when
> the braces came out, especially due to the small asymmetry on the top arch
> caused y unilateral gap closure. If I can't reason with her I may just have
> to break my retainer badly and show up for a new cast at the end of the
> day. Although I'm pretty sure that this thing is made of a thermoplastic
> material, and could probably be shaped to a new, almost identical dental
> cast within a tenth of a mm or so...
> Anyway, to sum up, I'm happy with how things turned out, although I do
> wish I didn't have to go through it because of an unethical ortho that put
> me in a bad place for a long while.

Follow up? Any health complications? Are you still pleased with your results?

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