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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:19 pm
by jaws
It's so nice to hear from all of you--I'm glad I have a group of people who are as excited about my progress as I am!!

Meryaten--I am also very intrigued my the whole lazer's amazing to me that I am having my ortho work done by a general dentist, but he is still using all of these new/high tech procedures!

And yes, the expanders have not been fun..although I'm pretty much used to them now (my 'G' and 'Ch' sounds are still a bit off, but it isn't that noticable). In terms of the shape of my face, I have noticed that my smile has gotten "wider" when I smile with just my top teeth showing. Like I notice in pictures that you can see more of my teeth. Here are two comparison pictures...I think it's kind of hard to tell with these pics (and of course I'm sure my nice wide smile will look better without metal on it!):



I have definitely been liking the way my top arch has changed, we will see what happens with the bottom!

Yes, the beautiful red putty is because of my deep bite. Without it I would have bitten my lower brackets off. This is the best pic I could find of my bite pre-braces:


Supposedly my ortho is going to keep the red putty on until I'm close to being done! :?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:56 am
by Dodger(UK)
Looking good Jaws - It's good when things move fast isn't it? ;) I never knew they could do the laser treatment either. Although thankfully I've suffered no relaspe since I had my braces removed.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:39 am
by HollyDontSpend
Your smile has changed drastically! That's really amazing Jaws! Didn't notice the red putty, just the awesome smile. :wink: Congratulations!