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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:05 pm
by Chr1ssy711
I find kissing not a whole lot different just really aggressive sexual kissing and hurt me usually. ill hit my bottom lip on my brackets... but kissing isnt the issue.

other oral type stimulation is too scary. if you get what i mean
Not because of the brackets but i have on my molars the metal rings i guess or whatever all the way around the tooth, and on the inside i have hooks for elastics to go on to my tooth right behind my k9 tooth (on each side) that is hooked to another hook in order to spin those teeth around....i know confusing but anyways they are sharp for me and my tounge i dont know what it would do to my boyfriend's prized possesion!

i would be terrified if i hurt him.... :oops: So he will have to do without that for a year...but we'll handle

i guess that means a lot more regular kissing!!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:30 pm
by TheSilverSmileChileno
haha this has become a pretty cool thread, hehehe

anybody else have more experiences?


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:43 pm
by geekgirl
Not yet... the other 'oral situation' is actually been one of my main concerns about starting this whole process. I'm completely paranoid about what sort of hardware they're going to put in the inside of my teeth, because there's no way I can expect any sort of significant other (current or otherwise... who knows with a 3+ year sentence) to go that long without. :shock:

I know I'm already going to be getting a bite plate, attached to molar bands and with the wire in my top arch. Please, somebody tell me that it won't get in the way, because it's going to be there the entire time!

BTW, there is a section of the main archwired website regarding this topic as well, in case you missed it.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:41 am
by tklein22000
I don't think kissing with braces is a big problem. I've kissed a girl with braces and it was ok. But when she had attached some elastics inside, then my tongue contacted these. But you won't die :D

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:45 pm
by spragers
This topic has been discussed before, but here's my $.02:

If you're still feeling adventurous enough to go for it w/ braces, don't watch "the 40 year old virgin" - nasty terrifying braces scene (if you're a guy, anyways LOL)

If the, er, mouth is "off limits," I'm sure you can think of plenty of other ways to... well... you know, reach the same conslusion :wink:

As for kissing... had my first kiss in braces tonight (long dry spell, don't ask :? ) and while it's wasn't all that much, I didn't even notice my braces. She didn't yell or slap me so I assume she didn't notice them either :D

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:51 am
by TheSilverSmileChileno
spragers wrote:This topic has been discussed before, but here's my $.02:

If you're still feeling adventurous enough to go for it w/ braces, don't watch "the 40 year old virgin" - nasty terrifying braces scene (if you're a guy, anyways LOL)

If the, er, mouth is "off limits," I'm sure you can think of plenty of other ways to... well... you know, reach the same conslusion :wink:

As for kissing... had my first kiss in braces tonight (long dry spell, don't ask :? ) and while it's wasn't all that much, I didn't even notice my braces. She didn't yell or slap me so I assume she didn't notice them either :D

my girl asked..." Did something hurt?"

i said no, and i kisssed her again...


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 6:14 am
by amychelle
I just wanted to thank everyone for all the input (and for keeping it relativly clean).

I only have top braces and there are no other "attachments" except for my spacer spring on my left canine. I've caught my lip in it before and it hurts like the :evil: . I'm sure I'd know if he got his lip caught in it.

I didn't even think about the expanders. That might be a different with what has been come to be called the "oral issue."

I'm less conscience of them now. I've had them a little over a month and it is less of an issue now. And hey, with all the practice I've had :wink:


Happy Kissing Everyone

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 6:50 am
by tklein22000
Who of xou thinks kissing with braces is better than kissing without braces?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:02 pm
by tklein22000
Did someone other make experiences in kissing with braces?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:53 pm
by fenderella
Kissing hasn't been as big a problem as the "other" issue.
My bf tells me that when he kisses me he can SOMETIMES feel my braces, but it hasn't really changed how much we kiss. I feel a bit apprehensive with the aggresive kissing though. I can't do it long because then the top brackets cut my top sexy!
I'm still getting used to it, and my bf has a good sense of humor about it. Sometimes I'll kiss him and then he'll say, "Ok, now kiss me without the braces!" LOL! And I try again :lol:

And as Spragers suggested...yes, there are 'other' ways to um...please...without using the mouth. I must say, though...I'm going to get carpal tunnel! :lol:

Seriously takes practice. The last time I did it, he said he didn't feel much that time. It's all in the technique! Practice makes perfect! LOL! And I doubt he'll complain much!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:39 am
by bub1958
No problem with kissing. Although it had been a while since I kissed someone other than a peck on the cheek. But , last night I found out that it is no problem and is still as enjoyable as the faint memory I have of kissing someone a couple of years ago. Even if was difficult or painfull , I suppose that I would have to deal with it. There ain't anything better than kissing someone that you really care for. Braces or not , I can't wait till she and I go out again. Sort Of makes this 47 year old feel like a teenager again. Bret :heart:

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:25 pm
by eoberhauser
I like the fact that this is an adult site so we can reasonably discuss these things! I have been with my boyfriend for almost 8 years. Kissing has actually been the weirdest thing for me, but it doesn't bother him at all. I was braced on Weds 11/30. As for the "other" kissing - someone mentioned wrapping your lips around your braces and that's exactly what I do. Another tip - just go really slowly and take your time. My guy likes that better anyway. Keep in mind that there's more to it than just the actual act itself. Just like girls, I think guys like some extra attention too. Be creative, your guy will thank you!

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:15 pm
by Pixie
My boyfriend and I both have braces (with the same ortho too-- and even matching appointments for convenience... how sickeningly cute, eh?) and the only problem that we have is sometimes when we make out, either my upper lip will get caught between both our braces or his will.

Usually it's just responded by an, "ow!" and a quick pause, and then we get back down to business. No pain no gain, right? ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:43 pm
by nvcarissa
And as Spragers suggested...yes, there are 'other' ways to um...please...without using the mouth. I must say, though...I'm going to get carpal tunnel!
Okay, I am going to get a bit graphic here. Think of an ice cream cone and realize that the place of most intense sensation is *ahem* the ice cream. Things can be done with your tongue that does not require full mouth engagement. Have fun!

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:32 am
by butterfly
Haha this thread is great! Image

I might add... If you don't have molar bands the inside of your teeth is completely smooth. If you cover your brace with the lips it won't damage the ice cream! ... ImageImage