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Colors And Ceramics

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 2:20 pm
by deny_zoo29
I've had ceramic uppers and lowers for about 6 months now. I always put color on the bottom, but never on the top. I always go with smoke colored uppers and the last time they put power chains on the top in smoke also. On the bottom I've had purple/blue, teal/blue, orange/blue.
I like having colors on the bottom because they're not too noticable, but I can still pick something crazy and show them off if I want too. I go in again tomorrow for chains on the bottom, and to have the ligual arch removed. I usually don't pick a color till I'm sitting in the chair, so we'll see what I decide tomorrow! :)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 3:16 pm
by mtbrncofn
geekgirl wrote:
mtbrncofn wrote:
My next adjustment is on Thursday when I will be going with teal and maroon ligs. Avs colors, baby!

If you're a sports fan and look at it from team color perspectives, there's no limit to the fun you can have!
Darn it.. now i'm almost wishing i'd be getting ligs with my braces so I could get canucks colors! (i'm getting the self-ligatating type.) Blue and red would look awesome, especially around playoff time! or blue and green, to match my retro jersey...
LOL Sad to say, but it was the first thing I thought of when I decided to get braces. Sports colors for my ligs. 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:48 am
by Svensk Tiger
I have metal brackets on both upper and lower (ceramic was too expensive and could have extended my treatment time). I've gone for the tooth coloured ligs, as others have said they do stain quite badly, although I drink a lot of tea and coffee which probably doesn't help!

I've only been back for one adjustment so far, I may try coloured ligs next time though if I'm feeling brave!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:02 pm
by donnamac
Dreamer...I did like the light blue ligs, but when I went on this past Friday and they put my back braces on and did a little more to the front, I changed to light pink. I think I like the pink a lot better. My first adjustment is November 11, and with my experience of getting the bands on, I'm not looking forward to going back at all. I'll go, though. I've started this process, and I'll see it through to the end. Did you like the teal and purple ligs?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:39 pm
by bub1958
As of this moment at the age of 47. I have teal on top and blue on the bottom. Next Wednesday when I go to the orthodontist I am planning on either red and blue alternating colors or red and teal. Why try to hide the fact that you have braces on your teeth. Hopefully I do not offend anyone here because it is not my intention, but why get the so-called clear braces that only make it look like you have yellow teeth. I would rather have the look of a metal mouth with a wide array of colors than to have yellow looking teeth. :tingrin: I have about 21 more months to go so I have about 21 more color combinations to try. I know it will be red and green for Christmas. :frogbraces: Take care, and sorry if I offended anyone with my statement about the clear braces, Bret :-#)

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:56 pm
by beanstix
I'm not offered any choice. As an adult my ortho automatically puts on clear ligs without asking - there has never been any discussion of colours etc - I think she would assume I was barmy if I asked for colours. With my ortho's no nonsense approach I get what I'm given and like it or lump it! I'm rationed to c.10 words per visit and I'm sure not going to use up my quota asking about lig colours ...

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:25 pm
by MarkupNorth
I have upper ceramics

I've been wearing colours since about three appointments ago. I first went with red ligatures, which were ok. Then moved to light blue, which looked really good when they went on but after a few curries turned a bit grey. I now have dark blue which I won't be having again as they are just too dark. Looks a bit like you have lettuce stuck on your teeh :D

I am having lower braces put on on the 15th November as I kept hassling my ortho about it becuse I want the best possible bite and a few teeth could do with straightening (only cost an extra £800) so I imagine I'll be trying more varied colours when I have both upper and lower braces.

I like the fact that with coured ligs people can see straight away that you have braces as opposed to people looking funny at you for a while until they figure out whats attached to your teeth!!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:40 pm
by SweetSheena
Hi moli,

I'm getting pink and green which are the color of my greek sorority, and my sister is thinking about getting black and red!

Whatever you choose think positive because I know whatever you choose will look great!

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:31 am
by David989
well choosing the colors of braces is very importent u can read all about it here http: //bracesmania. com/braces/how-to-choose-braces-colors/

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:04 am
by Lc1987

I've had my brace on nearly two years. I had it put on when I was 23. (wowza...feels so long...I'm 26 in april!)

I've always had the same colour on every time, 'Pale pink' (baby pink)...apart from once when they put the wrong shade of darker pink on and i hated the change.

A friend of mine who i met on here at the start of my brace journey, saw mine and then started getting that colour too.
I think it looks way more fresh and natural than the others I've seen as its close to skin colour.

I think on my last colour pick before my braces are removed (whenever that may be) I will go for a mixture of colours, go a bit wild :P

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:41 pm
by beckyboo0205
I've been pondering this lately since I may have mine in a month. I think I'll have clear brackets on top and metal on the bottom. I saw this same arrangement with light blue so that's always been in my mind to do but I don't know if I should do it for the first month. I think I'll definately get it on the bottom but I don't know if I should get light blue on top or just ease myself into the color and go with clear or white or whatever for the first month. Get used to seeing myself in some braces before I go with color?

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:26 pm
by mollyluise
I had silver on my bottom row (ceramic uppers) and I think I'm going to do a color when I have my adjustment in March :) I'm thinking teal or light blue- I heard they make your teeth look a bit whiter.

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 10:15 am
by coda
I went with bright pink on my ceramics. I am 29. Next time I think I will do teal and purple.

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:44 pm
by oktobergoud
Baby pink is my favourite! I also like purple/lilac or baby blue :)

Re: Choosing braces colors as an adult.

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:54 pm
by mollyluise
I went with teal this time!
