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ugly stages of treatment......

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:41 am
by mary oregon
I'm finished with ortho treatment just a couple of months ago. My teeth look like model perfect teeth now. They are beautiful and gorgeous and look just like the models the orthos have. Now, keep in mind during treatment, my teeth went through some mighty ugly phases. I had gaps here and there. I also had a phase where they used lacebacks to tip my upper front teeth forward at the crowns and move them forward. For months I looked like I might end up looking like the Nutty professor Jerry lewis..... buck teeth... I could hardly look in the mirror without cringing. I told me ortho I was afraid that the finished product would not end up looking good, but she assured me I'd look perfect and I'd love it. She was right but it did take time and me trying to avoid looking in a mirror to much. you're a pretty woman and you can always switch orthos. You have nice shaped teeeth and I can't imagine why your smile can't be made gorgeous and perfect. Orthos are trained for function and aesthetics for the final goal. both are important and orthos tend to be perfectionists. there are a lot of good orthos out there. You can get the smile you desire. be persistent and don't give up if your treatment isn't complete. I had to let go of my fears and trust my ortho that she wouldn't leave me looking like a nutty professor. She didn't and people say WOW.... at my smile. People compliment my teeth all the time. trust, let go and yes, be patient and go to a different ortho if need be.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:31 pm
by Carly58

I too have wondered about getting ALL this done. I've only been braced for 1 1/2 months, and I will probably be in them for almost three years. I'm having orthognathic surgery (both upper and lower jaw) in March 2007. I am 47, single and I know exactly what you mean by being self conscience. My ortho is also moving my upper front teeth forward and upward at the crowns, and presently I feel like bucky beaver....YIKES! It will probably get worse too. :(

I know it's going to be a long road, but my WHOLE life I have hated by smile, so I am willing to go through all of this for a beautiful smile. :D All the professionals seem to agree that I will be pleased with the results. I HOPE SO.

Good luck with whatever decision you make. You're not alone !

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 5:29 am
by Dotti
Sorry it took so long for me to post again, but I went out of town for a couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone for their comments. My ortho knows I'm not psychologically in a place to handle this, so he's doing what he can to get my teeth in shape to take them off. I've had them for 16 months, and I'm willing to keep them on for a few more, but when I hear people say they wore theirs for three years I cringe. No way will I wear these that long. I'd give anything to get my old smile back.

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 7:02 am
by weird_wired
<i>My ortho knows I'm not psychologically in a place to handle this</i>

My concern for you is that you won't be any better off psychologically when they are removed. Your teeth are unlikely to look the same as they did before (they may be better, they may be worse) and you'll have to deal with feelings of failure and frustration and disappointment that the treatment didn't work. You may even feel regret later on that you didn't give it as long as you were advised to.

For god's sake get a second opinion. It may even be that your teeth have moved enough that you could have those transparent mouthguard brace things (the ones that don't show at all - Invisalign?)

You have a very warm, attractive face. No one is going to care less whether you wear braces or not. The kids probably just associate your brace with something "older kids and people" get.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:13 am
by swan
I'm concerned, too, that you may regret later that you rushed your ortho and therefore didn't get the best outcome.

Have you gone to counseling, psychological I mean? Don't be afraid to talk to an expert in that area of your concern, it will help a lot!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:58 am
by fins
You have been given some excellent advice. I would most certainly get a second opinion before you take them off. Did you know that many times braces are removed EARLY for some people? Sometimes treatment progresses beautifully and things can speed up. I hope you don't give up on them.