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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:23 pm
by giantfigure
How about a girl dating a guy with braces??? Do girls also like/prefer/do not mind dating boys with braces? :roll:

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:51 pm
by Teigyr
If it were me? I wouldn't care...I tend to prefer individuality over anything else. I think in both genders there will be superficial people but you wouldn't really want someone like that anyway.

I think things are what you make of them. A person with confidence can make anything look cool and somebody insecure can do everything perfectly but still seem out of place.

I think most females really wouldn't care. After all, we're logical enough to realize that if you're taking care of your appearance, that is a good thing!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:20 pm
by spragers
As a guy with braces (though not for much longer) who is currently dating someone who he met after having had braces for over a year and a half... she doesn't seem to mind them at all :)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:23 pm
by Traffic
The first few months I had them my self confidence went down the drain. I couldn't buy a date. Or atleast I thought I couldn't. I thought I would come off as a loser, before I had a chance to work the old charm :wink: .

Fortunately, I've found out that most girls don't care. I just smile. Not as much as I used to, but I try not to hide them. That looks more unnatural. I've found that it's as though I don't have them. I get alot of phone #'s now and I go on a lot of dates.

When I'm on a date with a girl, if I feel comfortable with her, I'll make a joke about them and get it out of the way. I've never had a negative response. Most girls are really cool with it.

I'm a 29 year old guy, pretty average looking overall. Ceramic tops and bottoms, I live in Boston, I like sushi and long walks on the beach. PM for anymore details. :-9

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:16 pm
by Teigyr
I thought Boston people had that charm braced or not?!

See...I'm probably more rebel than most but I figure they are going to see them and it is part of me, for now. Of course I have metal braces so they are a wee bit obvious. I know the feeling though. Right after I got them I was at a company function and didn't want to eat because I was scared to get food stuck in them. I drank (drinking helps, no?) then everytime I'd talk to someone, I'd feel utterly geeky. I ended up going to Nordstrom and spending insane amounts of money to feel female again.

If we don't have anything to distinguish ourselves from anyone else, then we're fairly common. I prefer not to be. I'd rather my distinguishing features NOT be metal but hey, I'll take what I can get!


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:36 pm
by Shagers
Gable74 wrote:
Lucyloop wrote:...I also think most blokes just tend to focus on the boobs & bum personally! :wink:

LUCY xxx
Yes ma'am, you're correct.
Speak for yourself. I like a lady with substance. Illicit ones preferably, but personality will do. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:18 am
by hopkins
I don't think you have to worry. Us guys are the ones who have to do all the work in asking ya girls out anyways...if its effecting anyone's ability to get a date, its us guys haha


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:49 pm
by Jenn17780
Lucyloop wrote:
...I also think most blokes just tend to focus on the boobs & bum personally!

Gable74 wrote:
Yes ma'am, you're correct.

Shagers wrote:
Speak for yourself. I like a lady with substance. Illicit ones preferably, but personality will do.

My confidence has grown since getting braces, but I get shy when it comes to eating during dates. So everyone who currently has braces and is dating....any ideas of how to deal with that issue? It's hard enough trying to get to know someone, but to also worry about having food stuck between your teeth and making funny faces sucks. Or how can I turn those funny faces into sexy looks? LOL. j/k.

Re: Dating

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:13 am
by Simba
Eleni wrote:
Laura wrote:I'm a single girl and just wondering if I will ever get a date for the next 18 months! Did anyone find that braces affected their ability to get dates???
Rest assured, it did not affect it one bit.

Getting dates is based upon you and your attitude, not how much jewelry you wear (even if some of that jewelry sits on your teeth).
Its funny you mention braces as jewerly. I work in an area with alot lot of people speaking little or no english. One day a young african guy, told me..are you married? i replied no...he said you have alot of jewelry. i smiled.
he asked me how i got braclets on my teeth! he thought they were great! :P

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 4:58 am
by butterfly
I think so too!! As soon as the teeth are straightened out, braces, especially with colors, do look like jewelery. Just look at the pics on the forum! gotts LOVE those colors! Even metal which is considered "ugly" can look like jewelery. Maybe you should wear a lot of silver ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:29 am
by privatepilot
Jenn17780: I used to be real self conscious about eating while out but I just started putting it right out there. Say something like"I get so self consious trying to eat around someone new. Can you let me know if I get something caught in my braces?" It kinda puts the pressure on the other person and makes them feel like they are helping you out, and some men like a woman to be vulnerable. Most people have been there anyway, (finding spinach on their teeth etc.) Let me know how it goes.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:18 pm
by Jenn17780
hey privatepilot, thanks for the advice. I think that'll definately ease some pressure off of me. I'll do that the next time I eat out. =)
Simba: he asked me how i got braclets on my teeth!
LOL, how cute!!

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:28 pm
by naomi
Braces haven't stopped guys from asking me out. In fact I think I've got asked out more since I got braces which is pretty neat. Today I was at work and this good looking guy comes up and starts hitting on me. He started out by asking me to look at some stuff in a display case but he clearly wasn't interested in any of the items. He wanted to talk and apparently he's coming back to see me soon :roll: . Who knows. But anyways, he was done looking in the display case so I was closing it up and I slammed the door right on his hand :shock: . For some reason he decided to reach back inside the case while I was closing it. I appologized to him over and over and he kept saying it didn't hurt but it HAD to hurt. Then he said to me kiddingly, "What does it mean when a girl slams your hand in a door like that? Should I take this as a sign that you don't want me to come back again?" and I was like "no no no..I'm soooooo sorry." That was not very smooth of me at all lol. Anyways, despite all that he left with a grin on his face *whew*.

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:36 pm
by privatepilot
Congrats Naomi, I have found the same thing! I thought guys would be horrified by the braces but have been hit on more now than before, when I didn't have them on!!!

I guess guys like "bracelets" on teeth too!!!
