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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 9:33 am
by amychelle

this is from the dentakit site

and there are also things called morgan bumpers.

I haven't tried any, but I really don't have that much discomfort anyway.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:34 am
by mtb_nwbraces
I am a licensed soccer referee and every weekend I see many kids step onto the field with braces and no mouth guard. I was very apprehensive the first time I ref’d a game with braces on but by half time I was not even thinking about them. I do not wear a mouth guard because it would interfere with my duties on the field. I have to give clear signal during the game and all the SPAMMERS LIKE ME have to hear me. I also have the advantage of being able to protect my face when an errant ball comes my way. I have lost count of the number of kids that I have seen play soccer with out a mouth guard while being in braces. In fact I have never seen a kid with braces wear a mouth guard during a game. The only kids I see wearing mouth guards are the kids that have been hit in the mouth and learned the hard way about protecting their mouth. Now granted in all those game I have never seen a kid with braces get hit in the mouth with a ball, elbow or any other part of another player’s body. As a referee the laws of the game do not mandate a player with braces to have a mouth guard during the game. That decision comes down to the player and how that player feels about their own personal protection. As a game official I would recommend you get a mouth guard. I also played soccer for 10 years and during my playing years I was never hit in the mouth. But I would not risk it, even those blows to the mouth are very rare in soccer, and chances are you are not going to get hit in the mouth, it is better to be safe then bloody.