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Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:37 pm
by Marzipan
Spacers are gone. Yes!!!!!

The molar bands were installed a few hours ago. So far, not bad. I realize they will be sore later, but there isn't that horrid feeling of pressure that the spacers created. There IS a nasty lingering taste of the glue. I am having some trouble figuring out how to make the wax stay in place.

In 2 weeks I'll the rest of the brackets and archwires. I think the ortho wanted to ease me into it, given that I'm nearly a senior citizen. ;)

At this point I do agree that the molar bands are not nearly as icky as the spacers.

The pain has begun

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:04 pm
by plmii
I am a 34 year old male who just starting going to the dentist. My parents could not afford braces and I kept putting them off as an adult. My wife has told me often I should get them done to improve my looks and allow me to smile which I seldom in any photograph.

I completed my BS degree Oct 5th and have wriiten a book to be publsihed very soon. The excuses for not getting my braces after completing those large tasks seemed very weak indeed.

I had my spacers put in yesterday and must say they really are horrible. I wanted to rip them out earlier this afternoon, but I fought the urge.

I know the pain will be a part of this process, but the goal is worth the discomfort. To be able to have a great smile and show off my straight teeth will be worth every ounce of pain I get from these spacers and the braces.

25 months to go to my movie star smile and being smoke free. Since I will also be quitting smoking when the braces go on.

This site is a wonderful find, and I see it as a support line I will use in the struggles to come.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:20 pm
by Marzipan
PLMII, stick with it! If I could manage the week without ripping out the spacers, anybody can. :)

I feel muuuuch better with them out. The bands are odd, but decidedly less annoying than the spacers and so far less painful as well. Perhaps there will be a bit of pain later, but right now I'm doing well.