Tongue tied?

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#16 Post by nvcarissa »

I vaguely remember my mother telling me that when I was very small they had my tongue "clipped." She meant the frenulum. She was told that if it wasn't done I would have a very bad lisp.

Braced 5/11/05, BSSO with advancement 6/21/06, Debanded: 8/1/07. Click on www for my braces story.

Dream gerl x
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:25 pm

#17 Post by Dream gerl x »

hello! somebody just like me!

im 20 years old right now. im going through braces a 2nd time because the ortho pretty much messed up my mouth. (long story!)

anyway, with my first round of braces i was about 11-16 ish. in highschool around sophmore year i started noticing that i could'nt really stick out my tongue. i was persistant with this issue because i realized that my frenum (i think thats what its called) was attached to right behind my bottom teeth, while other peoples were at the bottom of their mouths. Anyway, i went to an oral surgeon. he then used a laser to trim the frenum away from the back of my teeth.

it was a very odd feeling. he basically burned that sucker off. lol

HOWEVER, i started to notice that it was not much of a difference...

i ended up having to go back and do it again! i was disapointed more than anything that all the years, from pediatricians to dentists to even an ortho... nobody picked up on an obvious problem!

its a strange sensation. everytime you move your tongue for the first few days it stings. you dont realize how much you utlize it until you feel the constant pain! however, its not the worst experience ive ever been through, and i AM a baby sometimes! lol

i hope this helped, if you have anyother questions you can PM me or email me as well.

"tongue-tied" i think its commonly referred to!"

Christine (PS my first post!!)

Dream gerl x
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:25 pm

#18 Post by Dream gerl x »

one more thing to ad to this as well...

i never had a speech problem, and MANY Ortho's dont recognize the problem either! i literally noticed mine was freakier than others! and I ASKED myself. i can see how other ortho's you visited may choose to overlook that problem. Apparently everyone did with me.

If you have to get it done, go for it. It doesnt mess with your speech afterwards at all.

bring up your tongue tie to other orthos and see what they have to say too.

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