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Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:44 pm
by mtbrncofn
TuZZi wrote:My teeth haven't really "hurt" yet persay.... they are more of an annoyance that is always there. My mouth is always a bit achy in the morning, probably from sleeping with my mouth wide open, but after a half hour or so it's back to normal. Other than a dull ache every once and a while from a banded tooth, or a severely crowded front one, there hasn't been much pain from the teeth themselves. But my cheeks *OWIE* there's a whole other story.

Good thing things haven't been so bad so far.... I can't swallow pills and usually don't get any relief from any kind of liquid medicine, no matter the ailment.
Isn't it funny how one thing can bother one person terribly but for another it's not a big deal and something completely different sends them through the roof?

I haven't had hardly any cheek problems. Yeah, I've gotten the holes and sores, but they just don't really bother me. Nothing like the agony of having your teeth move a mile in 24 hours. ( at least that's how it feels! )

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 7:01 pm
by Chris
I didn't have intolerable pain until I got my elastics. How do I cope? I yanked the things off!! Yeah, I know there will be HELL to pay at my next visit! :lol:

One tooth edge seems to be hitting the top tooth while the rest are barely touching. I guess he'll shave it down some. I don't want a tramatized tooth.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:16 pm
by Teigyr
Tequila!!! Preferably Patron Respado. I tell you, it works wonders!


Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 6:57 am
by blaat
A lot of ice cream and chilled alcoholic beverages :P . No seriously, cold things ease up the gums and the teeth. Sometimes it feels like my teeth are heating up because of the pressure and it is a bless to drink something cold when that happens. For the rest i don't do wax and painkillers, i tried it but it doesn't work for me. The best thing is to toughen up the inside of your cheeks and your gums by NOT using wax, it sucks at first but it will get better in no-time.

Btw: merry x-mas!