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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:48 am
by megan_in_pink
corn on the cob or toccos and skittles. I am bring skittles with me when i get my braces off!LOL

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:20 pm
by Retrogirl82
Wow, GOOD question! Well, I know I am going out to lunch or dinner to celebrate ;) So, here are some things I may want to eat:

BIG Asian salad from Applebees-- it has all the crispy seasame noodles, lettuce, nuts, etc that I am going to ENJOY!

buffalo wings! God, how I miss those... :lol:

a huge sundae topped with all the fudge I can eat (since I'm worried about chocolate staining the ligs, I hardly eat hot fudge in public anymore) :cry:

This is going to be GREAT

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:31 pm
by Nikkiekoala
My list is a steak, beef jerky, and bite into a sandwich normally (right now I cut my sandwiches). I eat popcorn now with braces even tho' I am not suppose to. I am just careful. I eat maybe a couple at a time no big handfulls that way I can be sure there isn't any unpopped kernels. I love popcorn too much plus we have the ability to make popcorn exact like the theater so it is especially yummy.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:12 pm
by stargirl
The only things that I don't eat now, that I was able to before are corn on the cob and apples... so I'm not really missing much...

I'm kind of worried though. Once I get my braces off will my teeth feel loose? I'd be scared to bite into something hard the day I am debanded...

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:42 pm
by spragers
My celebratory "meal" will be a king-size Snickers :D

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:56 pm
by nvcarissa
So bbq baby back ribs and corn on the cob is a definite candidate.
Oh yeah. I skipped the Best of the West Rib Cookoff last year because of my braces. I haven't had corn on the cob or a whole apple since these things went on.

And I want to eat a wrap! Flour tortillas are yummy, but gummy and they are a real pain to clean out of the grill work.

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:20 am
by eurydice
I agree, you may be ok to eat pretty much anything you like right now, I can manage Peanuts, cashews etc, doritos, pizza - even the crust - and even things like apples and hard fruit, but of course I just don't bite into them, I chop it up first. The only things I really haven't been able to eat are seeds as they're just too tiny and take ages to clean out and really crusty, chewy bread. And I do miss curry - so I have one about 2 days before a lig change - 2 days so that my curry breath doesn't upset the ortho, and then if the ligs change colour it doesn't matter anyway!!