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Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:15 pm
by missing_tooth
I understand the whole job thing. I recently had a job interview and well, did my best to do the closed mouth smile. I wanted my new Trump suit and professionalism to shine though. Now I get to do job interviews with braces, hoping colored ligs don't look immature.

In any event, I will be not be backing out. I got a good deal on my braces. I don't however believe I will be saying goodbye to the smile I've always known. I believe I will be saying hello to the smile I know has always been there. Impacted adult cainin, lost the baby cainin.

Sooo many changes coming this year, so many changes.

// When it rains it pours

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:04 pm
by dena
jrbecca--I totally hear you. I actually felt a little sad, too. I was definitely going through with it, but there are steps you take in life that change you forever. It's like taking a long trip--you know you'll come back a different person--probably a better person! But you can't help but miss that little part of yourself you'll never see again. :wink:

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:52 am
by ssfw
Hi Meryaten,

Yes, because of money being committed in the FSA, I knew I had to proceed with the ortho treatment. If it wouldn't have been for the FSA, I think there's a very good chance I would have delayed beginning ortho treatment and in the long run it may have turned into an indefinite delay, which means not going through with the ortho treatment at all. This entered my mind several times and I often told myself I was glad for this commitment to FSA because the sooner I begin ortho treatment, the sooner I'll be done, even if it does take 20 months.

Did you ever have similar thoughts?

Meryaten wrote:I often wonder if I'd have backed out if it were not for money being committed in the FSA.

I think it's perfectly normal to be apprehensive about something like this - it is a big change in your life. But as you said yourself, it will certainly be worth it in the end.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:53 am
by ssfw
duplicate post

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 5:07 pm
by ssfw
Hi Meryaten,

Yes, I guess the FSA was a good 'push' for the both of us and probably others too. Even while I was in the chair at the othodontists' office on 1/3/06 to get the spacers placed for my upcoming expander, I was having second thoughts. I knew I could use some (not all) of the money placed in the FSA for other medical services but would lose alot of money if I didn't proceed with the ortho treatment this year and I wasn't willing to lose the money. In late August 2005 when I begin to notice an overjet, I made an appt. with a few orthodontists for an evaluation. I'm thankful I made the appts. soon after I noticed it because it gave me time (about
2-1/2 months) to make my decision regarding proceeding with ortho treatment and submitting FSA info. by the 11/30/05 deadline for 2006 expenses. Yes, even with all this time to make my decision I was still having second thoughts when I was in the orthodontist's chair - I'm sure this probably has happened to others or maybe not.

How long do you have to wear your braces and what type of correction are you getting?

My upper expander will be in for about 4-5 months before my upper braces are placed (and I will have to continue to wear the expander for a few more months after that). They will know about 4 months after the upper braces are placed if I will need the lower braces - I'm pretty sure I will need them. I was told to get the maximum reduction of the overjet, I will need the lower braces. I'm getting my crossbite corrected and overjet reduced and some minor corrections on a few other teeth. Getting the lower braces will increase my time (and treatment fee) in braces to 20 months, if it was just the upper expander and braces it would be 12-16 months. I figured if I'm going through all of this, I want my teeth to look the best they can.

I hope you haven't had much discomfort during your ortho treatment.

Meryaten wrote:I'll tell you candidly - my dentist had been after me for years to sort out my bite. So in 2003 I called up to request a consultation with the ortho he'd recommended, only to be told they could not fit me in til long after the Open Enrollment period at work was over. "Oh dear. Oh well. Looks like I can't do this then" In other words it took the smallest set-back for me to postpone again. In 2004 I did get my act together in time for November Open Enrollment. So then I had that FSA whip chasing me, so no way I was postponing in 2005. Without it, oh there's a good chance I'd have kept "having" (finding) reasons I "had to" postpone. But once the di was cast, that was it - I wanted to get this moving (and all over and done with!) ASAP.