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Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:56 pm
by Lin
Well, I'm very happy because I just got back from my emergency visit to the ortho's. A clinician there flattened my molar band cleats for me... she said they were sticking out quite a bit (especially the top two). She kept running her latex glove/finger over it to test it, and it kept snagging her glove something awful. But she smushed the cleats down as much as she could.

I tongued over them afterward and now they are rough, but not painful like before. They just feel like metal bumps now, instead of safety pins snagging my tongue and slicing it up. IT'S GREAT!!!! You all were right that I should call. I am SO glad I went in there and asked them to fix it. The rough spots I can now adjust to... but I don't think anybody should have to suffer through cleats that snag.