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Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:19 pm
by Charles08b
Woohoo! I've been a veggie for almost eight years now! I was doubly relived to see my ortho's list of things I am not supposed to eat because not only is meat not an issue, but I'm not much of a sucker for sweets, either!


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 7:54 am
by fromjersey
Well here's another one. Am almost vegan, meaning most of the time I am. Have not had meat for about 12 years. I'm surprised to see so many of us here. But glad.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:08 pm
by doglover1395
I'm a veggie too...
It's amazing how many vegetarians are on this board!

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:04 pm
by LizzyG
I'm veggie too :D

Me too!

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:32 pm
by materialsgirl
Yup, I'm a veggie too - mostly vegan except for an occasional cheese indulgence. I'm new to this forum, and don't have braces yet, but it's good to know that my eating habits shouldn't pose too much of a problem. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:13 pm
by lesdents
I was a vegetarian, but I'm not good at imposing diet restictions on myself.

I have a friend who is ANTI-vegan. She despises vegans and, to counter their efforts, she won't eat anything that doesn't have animal products in it!

She hates vegans. I don't have any hate, but I'll explain why they also annoy me:

I don't care if someone wants to just quietly not eat meat or animal products, declining offers of these foods with a simple, "no thanks." But a lot of people seem to really enjoy the attention of saying, "I'm vegan," like it makes them interesting or something, which it does not. AND, I know some people who, after being SO in-your-face about their high-maintenance eating agenda, sometimes eat breads that DO have eggs in it! And I've even seen some vegans refuse foods on the basis that it has honey in it. That just seems silly.

My boyfriend hasn't eaten meat since he was 4 - it makes him sick. He doesn't go around telling anyone, he just quietly refuses meat, because he's not doing it because of an image thing.

I think Americans eat way too much meat. We are being unneccesarily cruel to animals, whom we treat as pure commodities without any regard for their right to live in humane conditions. Also, overproduction of animals for meat is inefficient use of land and spoils its pH balance for many, many years, which is a shame. So I agree with vegetarianism, but I dislike when people are too "showy" about it. Makes it seem like an attempt to get attention, which is just lame.

Anyway, good for you guys for your discipline. You'll surely avoid cholesterol woes and ingestion of all the awful hormones they feed to animals these days.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:17 am
by missing_tooth
All this talk reminds me of how someone once registered ( the animal loving site is ) Supposedly they put a head line to the tune of P.E.T.A. People Enjoying Tasty Animals. In any event it now belongs to peta.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:44 am
by missing_tooth
All this talk reminds me of how someone once registered ( the animal loving site is ) Supposedly they put a head line to the tune of P.E.T.A. People Enjoying Tasty Animals. In any event it now belongs to peta.
So I heard

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:30 am
by wearetheborg
I'm not a "vegetarian vegetarian" but I'm close to being a vegetarian. There are months where I'll go without meat. Not intentionally, but it just happens - I dont crave meat. Veggies on the other hand - ummmm. 8)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:55 am
by Svensk Tiger
I'm vegetarian, but only because I dont like meat, it makes me feel quite ill. I'm not an ethical vegetarian and have no problem with other people eating meat and will happily eat food containing meat products (i.e. chicken stock in soup) as long as I can't taste it!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:03 pm
by PigTails
I'm a vegan :D

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:51 pm
by missingu
How do the veg/vegan folks get enough iron?

I tried veg. for about a year and became clinically anemic, so now I respond to my body, but shop at stores that do not support commercial farms or animal cruelty.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:46 pm
by Flora2006
I am almost vegetarian. I eat chicken sometimes. Not a lot but still. I do want to become completely vegetarian so I try to eat chicken as little as possible... I don't eat and other meat or fish though.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 1:56 am
by ingyandbert
missingu wrote:How do the veg/vegan folks get enough iron?

I tried veg. for about a year and became clinically anemic, so now I respond to my body, but shop at stores that do not support commercial farms or animal cruelty.
Meat is not the only source of iron. You should be able to get enough iron by eating dark green leafy stuff like spinach. I also take a multi-vitamin which contains iron. It's not a problem for me; I'm actually sensitive to iron. Too much iron in my diet makes me ill, so I have to be careful not to overdo it.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:42 am
by sydsmom
Many people aren't aware that the calcium in dairy foods blocks iron from being absorbed. Some folks, upon trying a vegetarian diet, overdo it on the dairy because they're overly concerned about "getting enough protein" and might become anemic because of that.

As Karen said, it's definitely important to balance iron-enhancing and iron-inhibiting foods. My mom eats plenty of red meat and -- surprisingly to some, but not really to me --became severely anemic a couple of years ago.