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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:13 am
by EdgeofFreedom
joygoss wrote:Anyone else have the overwhelming urge to rip them out?

Yes yes yes!

I kepp playing with them. They are annoying me to death and it really hurts when I eat! I tried to have some nice fresh brusty bread yesterday and nipping at it with my incisors is taking a lot out of the culinary experience. This morning we had a meeting at work and pastries were offered... i felt ridiculous eating my croissant with only my front teeth. It's so silly! I have them on until march 9th, when my braces will be put in...

Yesterday I tried on my molar bands. ouch, Those are some huge metal buggers to have in your mouth. I wanted to run out and change my mind again. This whole experience sounds like it's going to be one giant two year long pain in the butt!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:02 am
by pokergirl
Just don't do what I did. I got my spacers put in on Jan. 30th and 5 days later I had managed to work one of my bottom spacers loose. (I just couldn't keep my tongue off of them.) It felt like it was right on a nerve and was excruciating pain, worse than it was the first day they were put on. I got a toothpick and tried to work it back in, and that didn't help. I then tried to take the toothpick and pull it out. It wouldn't budge. After tugging on it for awhile, I decided that it would be easier, and a lot less painful, if the two teeth it was wedged between was ripped out of my mouth. I finally found some scissors and cut it and then pulled it out. Awwwwww, instant relief. I got it replaced a couple of days later and got my top braces put on Feb. 13th, but they said I would have to wear bottom spacers for two more weeks because there still wasn't enough space. I learned my lesson the hard way!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:10 pm
by joygoss
I sooooo sympathize with you guys! I hate these nasty little things. I also had one come out and oooh it was blessed relief (even if it was only one spacer out of 8)! I thought I only had to wear them for a week and when I found out it was for three, I had to hold back the tears - I mean it! I didn't want to be the only adult in the ortho office crying like a baby, so I toughed it out - but when I got back out to my car, I felt like pounding my head into the steering wheel. That's how much I hate these things. I'm soooo envious of the other posters who say they've not had any problems!

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:29 pm
by EdgeofFreedom
I feel if I could only pull this one out for the weekend LOL

I have a big dinner tonight and won't be able to eat anything. I am really fighting the urge to pull one out. wouldn't change much, I know they are working already, would only have to go back monday and have another one put in, say it fell out or something... I wish...

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:57 pm
by wearetheborg
Leslie022 wrote:The assistant assigned to me told me that if I could handle the spacers then the rest of my treatment would be a breeze. So for she is proving to speak the truth.
Man I hope so. My teeth broke first set of spacers, I'm on the second set now. When I'm eating, I feel like crying the first 10 minutes :roll: Then it becomes a bit more manageable.
My teeth are crowded too, so the pain is starting to radiate to other teeth.
Those ******* orthos didnt warn me about the pain :evil:

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:34 pm
by joygoss
I feel for you! The assistants did warn me about the pain, but they also said it was by far the worst part of the process. I didn't think my teeth were very crowded, but I was wrong. My mouth is very small (husband still doesn't believe that) so I have to make lots of space. Sucks! I don't get these suckers out until the 27th and I've had the on since the 9th. Sob story, I know!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:50 am
by joygoss
Well, I got the spacers out, the distal jet put in, and now I have to go back in for spacers on the bottom. Yippee. Then, on the 16th, I get the full set of ceramics put on. I feel like there is so much crap in my mouth as it is. I have gone from :D to :evil: Anyone else feel so up and down? And please tell me it gets a whole lot better!

My experience with spacers...

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:38 pm
by TracyJean
:evil: I got the spacers put in Monday (braces go on this coming Monday). "Oh, this is the easy part." I was told. The spacers didn't want to go in, so as a result, I have a mixture of rubber and metal spacers (which poke my cheeks - giving me a hint of what the actual braces will feel like) - they put the metal ones in the tighter locations. One fell out overnight the first night (which means I swallowed it). It hurts to bite down. Because my molars are being pushed apart, it feels like my front teeth are being pushed together, which is a little uncomfortable.

But I'm ready for the braces - I hope. I received my DentaKit today and since I play flute in my church choir, I also ordered Brace Guard and Comfort Cover. I'd prefer to use Comfort Cover, but since my bottom teeth are really crooked, I'm concerned it might not stay on until my teeth straighten out a little bit.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:57 am
by joygoss
Yikes! Good luck with that lost spacer! :shock: