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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:20 pm
by aznfayeth
Frankly, your mother is being ridiculous and you sound a little obsessed with your looks. You just need to decide if you want straight teeth or not. If so, then you'll have to put up with the subtle changes in your face for awhile. There is nothing your ortho will be able to do short of taking your braces off. Try to quit focusing on your looks and move on.[/quote]

I dont understand your point. Didnt we all get braces because we want to look better? I just dont want to be disappointed when I get my braces off in december and find that the protrusion of my teeth is not because of the huge ceramic brackets.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:37 pm
by Shelby014
Oh my goodnees aznfayeth you are so pretty(i'm a girl not a perv), i would love to look like you!! :D I don't see a beak at all, your mouth is totally fine. I'm sure your braces did make your lips bigger, but i think that it has made you even prettier!! Don't worry about your mom, mine said that same thing to me, sometimes they don't realize that they are being as hurtful as they are :roll: . You are beautiful, and don't let yourself or anyone else tell you different!! :banana:

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 1:11 pm
by leeg
Oh my gosh, you are so pretty it's unfair for all the millions and millions of women who are no where near as naturally fortunate to look like you.

Trust me, from a guys perspective, you looked amazing before the braces, and you will look even better after the braces are off. If that is possible. :)

No offence to your mother, but she really shouldn't be saying negative things about u whatsoever, especially when its so blatanlty not true.

You have nothing to worry about! NOTHING!


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 2:47 pm
by texasangel
All I see is what we ALL have - ""a mouth full of metal and/or ceramic"".
Some people that have written have said they can hardly even close their mouth. Just imagine when you get the braces off, then there won't be anything there to make your lips stick out (yours do not even look bad AT ALL! in fact it makes your mouth look fuller and makes you even more beautiful.)
Just give it time.

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:02 pm
by ingyandbert
aznfayeth wrote:Frankly, your mother is being ridiculous and you sound a little obsessed with your looks. You just need to decide if you want straight teeth or not. If so, then you'll have to put up with the subtle changes in your face for awhile. There is nothing your ortho will be able to do short of taking your braces off. Try to quit focusing on your looks and move on.
I dont understand your point. Didnt we all get braces because we want to look better? I just dont want to be disappointed when I get my braces off in december and find that the protrusion of my teeth is not because of the huge ceramic brackets.[/quote]

My point is that she looks absolutely fine, as everyone else has said. Her mother is way off base. For now the only way to have her face look like it used to is to take the braces off. So unless she’s willing to do that, she’s going to have to deal with looking slightly different for awhile. Virtually everyone who has braces notices subtle changes because the soft tissues of the face and mouth have to stretch over the additional bulk of the braces. I see the same change in my face but I don’t see it as a negative and I don’t dwell on it. She’s described her face as now having a "beak" and looking less attractive than before when in reality everyone agrees she looks beautiful. It appears to me she’s focusing too much on something that is very subtle and most likely only temporary. She's probably making too much of it because of her mother’s unfair comment and making it seem worse in her mind than in reality. That’s my point.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:52 am
by nahky
aznfayeth, i know how ya feel. I wont dismiss you and say you look 'just fine!'. I can see your mouth slightly pretudes outwards. So im guessing you want a flatter profile. Thats what i want as well, so i can understand. If you have concerns, ask the ortho!

To get a clearer picture aznfayeth, could you take a picture of you clenching your teeth from a side profile shot. Your teeth should not be flaring out at a 45 degrees angle like you said. should be kinda dead straight up and down.

Beofre braces, my teeth flared out, giving me a kinda beak/ or a monkey kinda look. now they are straight and my profile has changed for the better.

hope it works out

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:50 pm
by bajanrose
I think you look just fine, I didn't see too much difference in the before and after pics. Still beautiful.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:14 pm
by aznfayeth
Ok, here's a pic of my flaring teeth

Very evident in this pic, no?

It also really bothers me that I cant see the top of my teeth no matter how wide I stretch my mouth and that the left and right sides do not look symmetrical.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 7:41 pm
by Flora2006
Seriously, those pictures look fine!! We are always critical about ourselves...but your teeth look nice.

If you are that concerned, talk to your ortho...he's the best person to talk to.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:25 pm
by Leslie022
You're teeth are fine! Seriously, they aren't supposed to be straight up and down! That's how mine are now and my ortho is having to work to get them to go at a slight angle. Don't worry about it so much. You look great and I can guarantee no one is going to get that close to your mouth!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:28 pm
by Marguerite
You know what? I actually like the "after" pictures better! In the first photo you look like a very cute, pretty girl. But in the other ones (especially the black and white picture) you look like a model! Your jaw is perfectly aligned from an aesthetic point of view (I think). Maybe that is not relevant since things will keep on changing. I know that thousands of women pay to have chin implants so they can get those beautiful jawlines like Molly Sims... and you! I know it is really scary to see your face changing, because you were pretty to begin with and that is the face you are accustomed to. But I just wanted you to know that to some people the difference might even be an improvement! I hope you don't get discouraged and things start looking up for you. (You could even discuss this with your ortho...)

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:39 pm
by Chris
Ok, from these photos I can see what you mean about the flaring on top, but you said that your debanding date is in December...thats a long way off. I have seen flaring like this before in other patients and by the time everything is finished (and those charming power chains do their stuff) the flaring is gone. Talk with your ortho about your concerns. I'm sure he'll reassure you that he will correct the flaring because it looks like you have some overjet.

speaking of profiles

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:14 pm
by Billie
Hi Aznfayeth,

I have to tell you asa fellow bracer with serious jaw problems, that you look great, but aren't we our worst critics. Everyone tells me that they didn't see why I had to do this(braces,upper,lower jaw and chin surgery), but now that I have had the braces on since May 2005, people see why I needed it. It is true that things will always get worse before they get better, in my case their is no denying that, this is why I won't post a picture because I know 100% my profile has gotten much worse, I look a little like a female version of Jay Leno, I say that with humour I don't take all of this very serious about myself because I know the end result will be fantastic!!!No one can tell me other wise I am now 35 and I have wanted this since I was 14.

So, each day realize that you are one step closer to your goal and when it's all done you will be thankful you carried on.

I do think it was a little bit of neglect on your ortho's part not too inform you that their might be a little bit of change, but honestly you look terrific!!