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Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:17 pm
by nahky
momof2grlz wrote:A co-worker repeatedly (and rather snidely) kept saying "Why would you put yourself through this at your age. Your teeth didn't look bad". After beating around the bush, mentioning that my dentist recommended it, etc., etc., I finally had enough. When she mentioned it again, I very calmly said "Because I don't want my teeth to fall out in a few years". She never mentioned it again.

I reckon thats a great way of putting it

1/ "Because i dont want my teeth to grind down to nubs in a few years"

2/"Because they are way too hard to clean and dont want my teeth to rot"

3/"cheaper in the long run to fix them now than have porblems later"

4/"Oh really?? I went to an orthodontist and all and he said i needed them, but since you said i dont i'll take them off because you're really qualified"

ok, maybe the last one was a little sarcastic, but some people need to be put back into line at times.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 6:39 am
by momof2grlz
nahky wrote: 4/"Oh really?? I went to an orthodontist and all and he said i needed them, but since you said i dont i'll take them off because you're really qualified"
LOL :lol: That's a good one. I'll have to remember that if she ever decides she just has to express her opinion about my braces again.
