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Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:26 am
by Joanna20
hi! I was worried about that when I was ur age. That's why I didn't got any braces. I really thought they were disgusting. Now I've completely changed my mind, I'm now 20 and in University. I go out every week and I'm not looking forwards to change my routine. I'm still going to go out, going to go shopping with friends, and def. clubbing - I LOVE dancing.
For me this is a challenge since I'm used to being a pretty girl, but I thought: I much rather be less atractive for 2 years and never worry about my teeth again, then be like this the rest of my life. Anyone who refuses to go out with you because of your braces, or a person that makes fun of you isn't really worth your attention anyways so... relax!
You'll be fine! Plus it will probably make you find a person who likes you for what you are, and not for what u look like!
Good luck

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 7:04 am
by Leslie022
Sweetie, you'll only be getting started at age 20/21. Don't fret! Your braces won't make you automatically single; however, your attitude will! Go out and have fun!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:04 pm
by nahky
haha 20/21 old? thats too funny, you surely cant be living in the dark ages where poeples' life expectancy is 30 :lol:

Im 18, still clubbing as usual. Not uncommon to still be braced at 18. Night clubbing, no ones looking at your teeth while you're partying!

You'll get over it soon when your teeth begin to line up nicely. Dont look back in regret!

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:22 pm
by stclair5211
Wow. It sounds like getting braces will be a good life lesson for some of you out there. I never thought at 31 I would say this, but kids these days! :shock: I can relate though, I too was like soooo handsome and hotttt and stuff, but like then I thought I can be ugly like the rest of you people so that later I can be even more hot and sexy. Oh well! Love you guys! BFFLEAE!!!! XOXOXO....YUCK!!!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:31 pm
by Barry
Thanks Guys!

Oh how I wish I got my braces when I was 14/15 when I was asked if I wanted them.

I probably will still go out as my m8's will practically pull me out my house door lol.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:11 pm
by celiviel
Barry wrote:Oh how I wish I got my braces when I was 14/15 when I was asked if I wanted them.
Heh, me too. :) But I got them anyways, despite being practically dead at 25. I even knit!

In my experience, you are the only person that will pay any attention to them anyways (well, aside from your ortho). I will note that I was recently able to walk into a liquor store and buy whatever I wanted without getting carded, despite the fact that I could easily pass for 18 with the braces on.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:36 pm
by Samantha08
I dont know where you are from, but most clubs here you have to be 21 to get into! As well as that being the LEGAL drinking age, and the age in which you can get into A recipe for clams casino. I'm 20 (I'll be 21 in Nov. and cant wait!!) and I feel the exact same as I did when I was 18. 2 years isnt that big of a difference :) If you want to go to the clubs, go for it. Dont let braces stop you from living your life! :)

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:49 pm
by mackenzie
KK wrote:I've been told that before from people reading my writing ... but I've no idea why? What are some of the things that give us away :?: I'm guessing if we use metric ... it's obvious we're not from America ... but what other things?
Saying mates is a dead give-away for me. If I told someone I was going out with my mates they would think I was going to breed or something! :wink:

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:17 am
by venusasaboy
at first i felt really self concious. but i've had braces for 6 months now and my teeth are already perfect and i got clear braces and i just, i'm really happy i got braces. when i get drunk though, i tell all the boys that i wish i could get them off and how i hate camera phones because they show my braces. but its all worth it. i'm 18 now. hopefully i get them off within a year or something. it's not that bad. people barely notice.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:53 pm
by godawgs
the day i got braces i went out to dinner with my boyfriend at a chinese restaurant. i thought that since my teeth didn't hurt too badly yet, i should eat while i still could.

well i underestimated the pain and also how self conscious i would be. every bite i was so paranoid that food was getting caught, so i hardly wanted to talk at dinner. my boyfriend is sad b/c finding new restaurants is one of our favorite things to do together...but right now, i don't see how i'm every going to enjoy it with braces :(