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Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:04 am
by bren123
Well, I'm living in Vancouver, where it is very near to Northern Washington State (Seattle). Can anyone tell me how much does it cost to install braces in Northern Washington State or Seattle.

Cause my dad is working in England, so it really depends on the currency and price. If Washington State is much cheaper, then 1hour drive every two months isn't too bad!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:03 am
by Dark_angel
GO with your dad to england and register with a dentist there. They will refrer you to on ortho and as your 15 your treatment will be FREE!!! The only downside is that only metal brackets are avalible. So thats my advice, come over to the UK if its possible.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 1:57 pm
by karamon
Well I have Damons [except for Opals on smile teeth which are also self ligating] and must say they are very comfortable. I haven't had any pain at all. My first time with braces over 20 years ago was with ceramics and spacers and bands around molars and that was HELL! This is a breeze. That's the good news, the bad news is living here in the NYC metropolitan area mine cost $7200!!!!!! But they MUST be cheaper where you are. I highly recommend them!

Good luck with your decision and wear your retainer!

Karin D

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:33 pm
by jennielee81
My damons cost me $4,800 US.

I paid an additional $200 for Opals on my top, front 6.

Damons are great for widening the arch. Click my link below to see how much rounder mine is now...after just 10 months with no additional appliances!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:26 pm
by Leslie022
For me, Damon 3's were only $360 more than the traditional metal braces.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:49 pm
by dena
Bren: when I priced orthodontia, damons were significantly more expensive...almost $2000 more than what I have now. (I can't believe damon's were only $360 more than regulars Leslie! Wow!!) For that reason, I chose not to go with damons.

However, definitely check out orthodontists in various areas. I agree you shouldn't travel hours to your orthodontist. But, my ortho is a 30 minute drive from my home...that distance alone is what saved me the $2000. Also, my ortho has very different policies than others I saw--that is he doesn't charge me for things others said they'd charge me hundreds of dollars for. So, definitely try to get lots of opinions...that can make a big difference and give you a better idea what you will be looking at. Good luck!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:17 pm
by Destor
If you absolutely must see an ortho that's a long distance away, then Damon3s are the way to go, because of the extra time between adjustments (2months.) Mine were about $5800CDN, which is quite a bit more than the traditional metal braces, my face was something like :shock: when hearing that price

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:13 am
by bracesmom
Wow UK does braces on minors for free?!--well, I imagine it's not completely free if you are paying taxes for them :wink: .

I had no idea what the damon3 braces are. They look fancy. I wonder why I wasn't offered them :? . Could it be because I had a LOT of pulling going on between a palate exander and braces? They would only do metal braces on me for that reason.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 2:21 am
by jaswi
Wow Jennielee, you're teeth were alot like mine are, and I want to avoid expanders and extractions if possible, will definatly havet o ask about damons.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:43 am
by ingyandbert
I got an estimate on braces about 3 years before I got my Damons but wasn't ready at that time to begin orthodontia. My Damons turned out to be $1,000 cheaper by the time I was ready to start treatment. I paid about $4,200 US.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:24 pm
by Leslie022
dena wrote:(I can't believe damon's were only $360 more than regulars Leslie! Wow!!) For that reason, I chose not to go with damons.
I couldn't believe it either. I actually had to ask if that was per tooth or overall! I figured, If I'm spending $4200, why not spend $360 more for newer technology!

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:09 am
by dena
dena wrote:
when I priced orthodontia, damons were significantly more expensive...almost $2000 more than what I have now.

Wow! I hope that is not contemporary quotes from the same ortho? That does seem rather a HUGE difference! When I was first quoted my treatment fee for the surgical approach, they worked in extra fees for changing out my ceramics for metals - when my surgeon's office said that would not be necessary, that saved me $500.
I paid almost $4000 for the braces I have now--a good deal since I have a complicated-enough case, clear tops for free, and a guarantee on that price regardless of what he has to do and however long it takes. I had to pay for extractions, which extended my treatment because of closing the gaps, but that extra time didn't cost anything.

The ortho that offered the damons quoted a price of something like $5500 for my case. And, he said if I had to have extractions, which he said was a 50/50 possibility even with the damons, that would cost an additional $700 with him because of the extended time in braces. :shock: So, when I was looking at a possible $6200 or $4000, I just couldn't justify the damons. I mean, in my case. But I was also very happy with the less expensive orthodontist, so it's not like I had to make any major compromises or anything. I just make an hour round-trip drive once a month. (I am in grad school in the midle of nowhere, so this actually gives me an excuse to drive somewhree, which was a benefit for me!)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:31 am
by mm92280
I have Damon 2's on and the cost for me is a little over $4300 for 18 months of treatment.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:02 pm
by August1
just to throw my 2 cents in, my ortho estimated my 12-14month treatment with Damon3 uppers and Damon2 lowers at just a hair under $5000 USD. But as usual, your mileage may vary