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Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:40 pm
by joeb1
I only had lower braces and for me getting food stuck in my teeth was the always the worst part. I never got used to it and the swishing water in my mouth was never very effective.

I always kept a toothpick in my wallet and after eating would excuse myslef to the bathroom and pick out the food. A waterpick is essential as well, but does little good if you are out to eat or at someone elses house.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:54 pm
by lionfish
I love hot cross buns, but they tend to go straight to my thighs, so I moderate my intake. But closer to Easter, my OH will get that long faced look he does so well, and hot cross buns it will be for breakfast, with butter and marmalade. Sounds rather good, actually.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:15 pm
by cactus
someone want to clue me in on how to eat a lettuce salad?

I got my braces on Monday - full metal mouth and a bite plate/plane. The first day I drank smoothies; the second day, soup, sweet potatoes, cottage cheese, yogurt/granola/blueberries. No problem....

So this evening I tried more solid food - leftover pasta with a sausage/tomato sauce - went fine - sort of a cross between gumming little bits on the roof of my mouth and a bit of chewing on my side teeth. I can't tell if it's the bite plate that is making it difficult for me [because my teeth don't exactly meet enough to chew?], or if I simply haven't become adjusted to how I must chew/position differently with braces. But then I tried to eat a lettuce and tomato salad - the lettuce simply slid around - too thin to do anything with my side teeth, and not soft/smooshy enough to gum it into submission.

Any suggestions other than don't eat lettuce for the next three years?

As a foodie who's seriously into textures, I'm a bit daunted by what is ahead - trying to figure out how I can enjoy my daily apple, raw carrots, almonds etc without whizzing them up in the blender.

Oh well, it'll be over soon! Thanks to all of you with your tips about salt water rinses, staying medicated, and wax, I haven't had any problems so far other than this lettuce stuff....I'm not mentioning how long it takes me to floss.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:06 pm
by godawgs
i was never too into them before getting braces but now i love those frozen garden burger patties. they are so filling and easy to eat.