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Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 2:34 am
by cookie
I'm in the UK. I never really had a real estimate of treatment time - only that it would take "at least a year" - I'm hoping to be debanded in around July - so 15 months of bottom braces, and 18 months of top.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 4:58 am
by blueberry
i can see there is so many variations with this so its hard to conduct a proper survey? i know i dont speak for the majority on this board as im only 16, but Maybe its because of extractions, i had noticed around my school everyone seemed to get extractions first, like i have to, but my resarch has led me over the internet to ortho websites that are against extractions and seemingly do a great job without the removal of healthy adult teeth, id be so much more comfy with this, but it seems our orthos do what they have always done if you get me, oh 4 extractions then pull it all back. Australia there are a few aussies (and kiwis :wink: ) so you will have to post to see, if you havent been given a definate date yet then i dont know :) oh dear! most of the american posts said around 24 months and the uk 18months to 2 years like cordelia thats the most common thing around where i live 4 teeth out and 18 months braces, i really wouldnt trust that teeth can be moved and set a little within 7 months i think they are after your money! The under 1 year and no extraction is very interesting, could you give more info about the treatment you need? and do you actually think it could be done with no extraction?
Thank you everyone for taking part although im not quite sure where it leaves us! :)

good luck everyone with your treatment however long its taking!