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Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:25 pm
by tractorgirl
I think its because people generally associate braces with teenagers... that may be why.. I dont think I look any younger for wearing it... Im 21.. nearly 22... 8)

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:33 pm
by DizzyKitty
I'm 36 and I am IDed regularly at this party store we buy alcohol at. I was with my husband (who is younger and looks even younger than he is) and our 8 yr old boy. I was thinking "Wouldn't I have had to been 13 to have a kid that age and not be old enough to buy liquor?". She said I looked young, which was normal even pre-braces, but young like 28 maybe, not 20. I said "But I have crow's feet" and she said "so do a lot of 20 yr olds I ID" LOL