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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:50 am
by chrisk
I think I must have/have had the record. I started out with a 15mm overjet and after 21 months in braces am down to a 10mm overjet. The rest of my overjet is going to be fixed through upper and lower jaw surgery which was supposed to be 11 months ago. I'm still waiting for a date for surgery and hoping to get one soon.

My sister got braces 6 months after me. She started with an 11mm overjet and is down to about 3-4mm. She will be out of braces in September, after 21 months in braces. (She refused to go the surgery route)


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:26 pm
by ssfw
Hi naomi,

What a reduction in the overjet - that's great! Are they done with the reduction of the overjet? If not, what are they trying to reduce it too? Was it only braces and elastics that reduced your overjet?

naomi wrote:
seeminglyshy wrote:
naomi wrote:I guess I have the record here!!! I started out with an 11mm overjet but the last time the orthodontist measured it was down to just 4mm !!!:jump:
Naomi, how long did it take you to make the leap from 10mm to 4mm?

That is excellent!! Sooo encouraging!! :D
It took about a year and a half to get my overjet down to 4mm. However, I didn't have extractions done until over 6 months into treatment. If I'd had the extractions done at the beginning of my treatment my overjet may have been reduced even sooner.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:16 pm
by kballing
wow, your braces helped with your overjet? i have to get orthognathic surgery because of mine. i begged them to try and fix it with braces, but nope, they said i have to go through the whole thing. i got palate expansion done last week, so i am beginning the process. no braces yet. hoping to get them on soon.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 7:19 am
by seeminglyshy
Good question SSFW, I'd love to know the answers as well!

So far my ortho has only mentioned braces and elastics, he didnt even really inform me that I had an overjet, much less such a large one!!

I want to ask him tons of questions, I just have to figure out which ones :?

I think the first one I'll ask is how much my overjet/bite has gone down since being braced.

How much has YOUR overjet decreased so far guys???
ssfw wrote:Hi naomi,

What a reduction in the overjet - that's great! Are they done with the reduction of the overjet? If not, what are they trying to reduce it too? Was it only braces and elastics that reduced your overjet?

naomi wrote:
seeminglyshy wrote: Naomi, how long did it take you to make the leap from 10mm to 4mm?

That is excellent!! Sooo encouraging!! :D
It took about a year and a half to get my overjet down to 4mm. However, I didn't have extractions done until over 6 months into treatment. If I'd had the extractions done at the beginning of my treatment my overjet may have been reduced even sooner.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:53 pm
by naomi
My ortho never once mentioned surgery to fix my overjet. I'm happy that he was able to do so much just by extracting a couple teeth (I had my wisdom teeth removed last fall also but the orthodontist said it wouldn't make a difference to my orthodontic treatment whether I had them removed or not). I saw the biggest improvement in my overjet once I got elastics, they really pulled my teeth back quickly. When the orthodontist measured my overjet last, which was about 3 months ago, he said that I shouldn't expect to see it improve much more before my treatment ends. Even if it isn't reduced a whole lot more I'll still be happy with the improvement I've got.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 11:39 pm
by myranda_royann
I don't know the measurement (will check on Fri) but I do know that my top teeth completely cover my bottom teeth. My bottom teeth even touch the roof of my mouth. I thought it was normal. Also my teeth are so crowded that this will be a interesting experience.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:30 pm
by jenstrom
I had a 13 mm overjet. Yowzers!! :shock: I'm not sure what it's been reduced to but it's come a long ways. I'm supposed to be out of braces June 29th-06, but i'm not holding my breath. :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:51 pm
by ukcolin

My overjet\bite is about 10mm, ive had two top teeth out and the ortho said he will use the brace to move them back 5mm or so, then im too have jaw surgery!!

My ortho said it would be 18months. The dentist whos doing my jaw surgery said it would be more like 3 years - im hoping 18months :)

Mine is bigger!

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 3:50 pm
by Bling Bling
You are better off than I am, I have 110% overbite, 10mm overjet AND, I just got my spacers in today so I have even longer to go :) did you or do you have to have greys or a biteplate to correct your bite?