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Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:38 pm
by hannah164
I like my ortho. He's a very nice guy who cares about me and wants to give me the best smile possible! :D I'm not really particuarly crazy about his staff, although lately I haven't had much contact with them. I think most of his assistants avoid working on me because I'm such a complicated case so they leave me mostly to the ortho! :roll:

The only thing that makes me kind of uneasy is how my ortho tells me that he's really struggling with my case and what to do with me! :shock: He says I'm probably his most complicated case! :? I don't really like being told this but I guess I should give him points for his honesty! :lol:

~HAnnah :frogbraces:



Top braces: 4/28/04
Bottom braces: 11/16/05

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:52 pm
by pucca26
I don't love my ortho but I think she is very nice, she answers all my questions and pays attention to things I asked although I have already paid most of the treatment, she asks me to call her if I feel any discomfort or if I have any doubt, I’m her most demanding patient and she also jokes that if she doesn’t know how to do something she will ask me, lol


Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:26 pm
by trequ
my ortho seems very nice. his assistant is halarious too. she stars singing and joking around in the middle of everything. and i like the ortho better than the dentist.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:36 pm
by ingyandbert
I love my regular dentist. I've been going to him for nearly 15 years, since he first started his practice. He's a nice person and extremely meticulous with an excellent reputation. As for my othos, I've only seen one of them once and the other twice so I have no strong feelings either way. They both seem nice and their clinic has an excellent reputation. They've been good about answering my questions but their comments tend to center around current progess instead of what to expect next. I guess most people want the rah-rah instead of hearing about what's next. But the last time I was there, at the end of our conversation the ortho who I've now seen twice told me he was looking forward to speaking with me again because I'm "so perceptive" about the changes occurring in my mouth. So he's figuring out that I'm paying close attention and starting to realize he should share more info with me.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:42 pm
by MsTiaLia
My ortho is kind of cool. I went in the other day and he had even made up a nickname for me. It was sort of funny b/c he thought he was just calling me a shortened form of my name...he said it was a term of endearment. The funny thing was that he was pronouncing my name wrong, so the nickname wasn't really a short version of my name :lol: He gets an "E" for effort though!

But I did hear him fussing at this kid in the next room b/c he wasn't wearing some appliance the way the doc had instructed him to. So although he's kinda cool, there is a small element of intimidation...who wants to be fussed at by there doc??? And I have a feeling he will fuss at adults too!

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:41 pm
by missingu
Re: thank you to ortho

Maybe you could write a well-crafted thank you letter on nice stationary, and have it framed in the decor of the orthos office. I think most orthos most appreciate when people speak highly of them, and a hand written letter, framed, maybe could be put in the waiting room for prospective patients to see and read.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:45 pm
by Flora2006
missingu wrote:Re: thank you to ortho

Maybe you could write a well-crafted thank you letter on nice stationary, and have it framed in the decor of the orthos office. I think most orthos most appreciate when people speak highly of them, and a hand written letter, framed, maybe could be put in the waiting room for prospective patients to see and read.

That is a great idea!!