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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:32 pm
by pk_girl
I haven't lost any, but I don't need to, and I can't really lose any more, as if I did I would look anorexic, LITERALLY.

I eat just as much as I did before, Just softer foods now are on my list (I was a sucker for Preztels and Corn Chips, I still eat them occasionally, but they hurt.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:17 pm
by ucldbmine
I have lost 7 lbs in 5 weeks. I think that once I start breaking the food rules I'll stop losing.. just had a baby so the brace diet is working great for me.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:42 am
by jaxxie118
In total, since I was braced, I've lost about 7 pounds. But I lost most of that in the first couple of weeks because of the pain eating caused. I certainly do hope to lose more though. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:12 am
by babymetalmouth
This is annoying, I thought braces would help me loose weight but I can eat everything and anything now, I even had a toffee the other day :roll: Its not fair :( Everyone that dont need to loose weight looses it but then people like me who SERIOUSLY needs to shed a few stone just puts it on :evil: Life is so unfair!! :roll:

Has anyone hear lost weight more into their treatment? or maybe its becuase I only have my bottoms on?? Do the tops hurt more? I need to loose some weight and I am a great beliver that not being able to eat will help me!! :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:25 am
by princesspenelope
About 3 pounds, from not being able to eat chips and hard tacos.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 8:25 am
by princesspenelope
Also cut out the occasional afternoon snack because don't want to brush extra.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:42 am
by jcdamon3
Life is so unfair!!

Has anyone hear lost weight more into their treatment? or maybe its becuase I only have my bottoms on?? Do the tops hurt more? I need to loose some weight and I am a great beliver that not being able to eat will help me!!
It is unfair! I am not super thin, andt have struggled with my weight all my life. I weigh betweeen 130-135 lbs and I am 5'6". Sorry don't know how to translate that to metric/stones for ya. I lost about 2-3 lbs when I got my braces on from not wanting to eat between meals because I didn't like having gunk in my teeth. I have sort of gotten over that now unfortunately. I think everything about braces you just sort of "get over" after a while. The discomfort, the gunk, the waiting (well maybe not the waiting) Anyway. think about how amazing that is! All I had to do was stop eating between meals and I lost weight. It is starting to creep back on now though.

In my opinion the bottom is more uncomfortable than the top. But you will be getting tons more stuff stuck once you have twice the brackets.

Anyway what has worked for me over all the years of struggling with my weight is to weigh myself every day and if I find that I am creeping up a pound or two, just start cutting back on the junk. As I got older I have tried harder to give up the junk anyway and I am trying (not always successful) to eat whole grains and 7-9 servings of fruit and vegetables every single day. I have also found that walking 30 minutes a day or doing some form of exercise even for 20 minutes a day is helpful. I also don't deny myself anything. If I want something sweet I go for it but I make sure that I don't eat more than about 100-150 calories.

Oh, did I mention that I don't think diets work at all?

Well, that is the weight loss/maintenance story of jcdamon3 ! Good luck! Your mileage may vary.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 9:51 am
by payoki
in the beginning you'll lose some but eventually you get used to it and the weights will all come back.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 10:19 am
by CLAmom
I've lost an additional 5 since the last time I posted for a total of 15 pounds in 5 months. The weight loss has leveled off and I feel like this is close to my "normal" weight (what I weighed before having 3 kids!). I do eat a little more than I used to but still have difficulty chewing--plus you kind of get used to eating less and that becomes a habit. I'm hoping I won't start gaining weight again when my bite gets better.

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 1:57 pm
by missing_tooth
I've lost 17 so far. Almost 10 lbs the first month or so, the rest has slowly come off.

- Missing Tooth -

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:04 pm
by babymetalmouth
Im not allowed to weigh myself everyday, my mum tells me off :oops: lol! Im 16 and like a size 18 in clothes, thats bad!! I think... I bin on diets since I can remember, but as soon as something bad happens and I get upset, straight to my crisps and chips with cheese! :cry: I think we shud start a diet post in the off topic? not to hijac this thred lol sorry!!! But im sure so many people have tried things that work for them to shed a few pounds now and again? What you think? Sorry for hijax :oops: :lol:

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:17 pm
by fitchick
I'm one of those that didn't need to lose any weight but I lost 4lb in week 1. As I have got used to the braces and eaten better again I have put that back on. I generally eat less than I did pre-braces as I need to clean my teeth after all my food and sometimes that can't be done, so I don't eat then. I think the limited food types make me eat less too. Luckily the bad foods seem to be the most difficult to eat which I don't mind.


Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 6:39 pm
by jbjalways
It will be one week tomorrow with the braces on and I've lost 4lbs. The lady at Weight Watchers was like "what happened?" and I pointed to my braces and laughed. I can only eat soft food now cause of bite blockers. Hope I can continue to lose once I can eat normal food.

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:58 pm
by Azalin
I've been sprouting a lot over the past few years, so I haven't lost much weight, but my face has gotten a lot thinner. As a child, I always had chubby cheeks, and now my cheek bones are the first thing everyone notices. I'm a pretty happy camper. :lol:

By the way, I've completely cut off sugar. I haven't had pop or candy in almost two years, so it's probably not the braces.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 4:15 pm
by JumpTheDitch
I posted a while ago saying I knew I'd lost a fair bit but wasn't sure how much. Recently I bought a pair of scales.

25kgs, or about 55lbs. Fair bit, huh?

I was a bit shocked but it's not all braces; I usually ride about 90km's a week to work, and now often go running as well. Braces really helped me stop snacking out of boredom, etc, and almost completely cut out sugary drinks like coke, etc. I find eating fairly tedious and time consuming these days so tend to eat much smaller portions as well (a good thing since I used to overeat enormously).

Just thought I'd share!