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#31 Post by brandee987 »

When I went for the consult it was for 110% cosmetic reasons. I had gaps on top and big time crowding on bottom. But there was something else about my smile I always hated, but I could never pinpoint exactly what it was. Duh I had a 100% deep bite. I was really not aware of it! I never paid attention to my bite before. Plus it seemed that it was getting worse due to wearing of the teeth also. So my reasons are really cosmetic. I think a correct bite will look better... Now I not only check out other peoples teeth I look to see if they have a good bite! :) im obsessed!!
Ceramic Upper braces: November 29, 2005
Metal Lowers go on: March 7th, 2006

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#32 Post by lionfish »

I went into this for both better function and cosmetic reasons.

I have an underbite and lateral open bite. The underbite isn't too bad, but the open bite is fairly noticeable. I have mild overcrowding on top and good spacing on the bottom.

Given that most of the force of my bite is on my back teeth, this is where the wear and tear has been most evident. I've had one root canal/crown on a second molar and the rest are filled, some of them quite heavily. I don't have any TMJ or pain issues in general.

I'm probably destined to be around for a while yet (my mother is still kicking on at 91), so I guess I'd like to give my fangs their best chance.

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#33 Post by pucca26 »

SueFromNJ Don't you have any picture before and after treatment?
Upper Lingual Braces - On, April 7th, 2006 - Off, August 23rd, 2007
Lower Inspire Ice Braces - On, June 9th, 2006 - Off, January 3rd, 2008

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#34 Post by Joanna20 »

For me it's for both reasons. All dentists I have gone to have recomended braces, but because I was "too cool" to have them before, I never really cared that much. I have severe crowding in the lower arch and mild crowding in the upper jaw :S I beleive I also have an overbite because my lower teeth have to flare out a lot in order to meet my upper teeth which don't flare out much at all. I can't wait for my 2nd appointment and to find out what's gonna happen.


Next Ortho. consultations: Dec. 26 & January 16
Next Higienist consultation: February

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#35 Post by celiviel »

Mostly cosmetic for me. I had some decent crowding, but somehow wound up with no real bite issues.

I will have some minor health-related perks as a result of my treatment though--easier flossing (no more sawing/jamming the floss, yay!), and the ortho tells me it might help with the grinding at night.

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#36 Post by Azalin »

Both for me, but I was never for it. My mom said I was getting braces, and I just went along with it.

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#37 Post by demedja »

I also did it for both reasons, but more out of necessity. My upper laterals were way too small, and as I got older my upper incisors began to move outwards laterally to fill up the space. So, I ended up with a wide gap between my two front teeth. I also began to get crowding on the bottom, and although my teeth looked ok when I was a kid they began to look really weird by the time I got into my late teens. My ortho told me that if I didn't brace them now they would continue to move and I would have serious periodontal issues later on. The lowers would eventually get so crowded that I wouldn't be able to clean between them, and the uppers would continue to move outwards laterally until my bit goes totally out of wack. Who needs that, right?

I've also been resisting extracting all four of my third molars, but my ortho insists they have to go. I guess I'm willing to do just about anything to have great looking, healthy teeth!

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#38 Post by hollywood_smile »

cosmetic reasons.

i never thought i had crooked teeth or bad teeth you know? i always received compliments on my smile, still do, but with time i started to analyze people's teeth speciall guys it was when i said..." ok im critizicing, do i have perfect teeth?" so i statrd to close up at pics and then taking pics from dif angles, and i realized i dont have perfect teeth at all!!!!! so i want them perfect and straight and everything lol!!!!

besides ill will start university in about a year so i want to be prepared with good looks for U. and when it comes for a job, to be toally prepared with a perfect smile, and a great look lol!!!! :lol:
I sooo Want a hollywood smilee....!!!!

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