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Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:16 pm
by momofbrock
Wow, what a feeling when I got up this morning. Pain meds definately wore off while I was sleeping. :roll:
Pain and stale blood. My mouth is disgusting today. And I must admit.... yesterday I was okay with them but today I'm about to rip each spacer out myself. I can feel them pushin my teeth around including the tooth next to my new empty bloody gap.... which is pushing the tooth into my bloody empty gap. And it hurts.
And I hate it. :oops:

Braces in 6 days. I'm going to go take some Tylenol.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 10:16 am
by momofbrock
Well I called the ortho yesterday and she said as long as only one spacer fell out it's not a biggy.... said that could mean there was already enough room between those two teeth cuz they should never just FALL out. The others are in there so snug I don't think I could pluck them out if I tried..... and believe me that's all I've thought about for the past 2 days.

I have to say they hurt even worse today than they did yesterday but I'll live. That's what Ibuprofen is for!