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Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:13 am
by Gennel
I've been to about 4 adjustments already.

My ortho has been present at all of them. He put on the brackets and his assistant put the wire and ligs on. The ortho put spacers at my next visit. He always comes in first and checks my progress and he makes the assesment of what comes next. The assistant takes over and does as he said. My ortho then comes in again and checks everything and then I'm on my way home :)
The assistant has NEVER made assessments she simply follows orders ,I would NOT feel comfortable if I just went in and the ortho was not there at my adjustment. I have heard several people mention that their ortho leaves written instructions on what to do for the next adjustment. Honestly I would not like this either because in 4weeks or 6 weeks the ortho can't predict 100% what will happen unless he sees your teeth to confirm what he expected .


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:29 pm
by xtrememkovr
My ortho pops in (so far) and checks the work of his assistant. The assistant and I have become quite close - I know how she is - I like her demeanor, and she is very gentle but firm when doing things. I think she is very competent, and the Ortho will often come by - look at how I am doing and tell her "good work". I don't need his "vote of confidence" but I think he does it for 2 reasons: 1. To let my assistant know that she is doing well according to his specifications and 2. To let me know that my assistance is doing well according to his specifications.

From what I understand - He has prescribed my treatment based on my x-rays, my molds and so forth - and the assistant is the one who follows through with the treatment. I don't think I would feel any better having my ortho do the work - just as long as I know that he is involved in my treatment and is taking a look at my records and knows me (or my teeth) then I trust his judgement and staff - and know that I am in good hands.

My treatment costs for braces is about 4 thousand dollars - I never wait more than 2 -3 minutes for appointment times - and I'm usually out of the door (the last 3 times I've seen him anyways) with in an hour - at most an hour and a half if I have to speak to him, pay up, or whatever. (please note that these appointments may indeed be a bit longer due to spacers, banding, brackets, etc. Have not had an adjustment yet - still in the preliminary stages of my treatment...)

Also before I end this book (lol) - I can understand why there is a bit of an issue about whether or not your ortho sees you or not. I think that it is good if your ortho sees you if you need that type of assurance - but I think that it is wrong to insinuate or suggest that care by an ASSISTANT is some what lacking in care, etc. If that is one's personal belief - then by all means - find an office where you will only be treated by the ORTHO himself . But I think it's somewhat false to assume that an assistant is not well trained and not well directed by the ORTHO's themselves and quite capable of giving those of us in their care the perfect smile of our dreams...


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:49 pm
by Zondrae
My ortho does most of the work himself. The assistants take impressions & xrays, pass him instruments & generally help out. He's quite snappy with them sometimes too - a bit rude really. But he's always nice to me.

I have been told if I get too stained I can pop in & the assistant can do a lig change for me between adjustments.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:19 am
by niknikc
The assistants done everything but my consult and attaching the brackets so far. My ortho supervises all of them cause her office is one large open space with 5 chairs in a circle and in the center is where the sink and everything is. She rotates around when she is needed and it makes all the office visits really quick.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:29 am
by GemGal
niknikc, my orthos office is setup the same way. My ortho and his assistant worked together in putting on my braces.