Has fixing ur bite changed ur face for the better or worse?

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#31 Post by onny »

No problem, I am happy you are going to ask! It is always worth a try. BTW Do you have a picture of your mouth, so I can see the space used by your teeth and the damaged one ?
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#32 Post by kay »

[b]onny[/b] wrote:No problem, I am happy you are going to ask! It is always worth a try. BTW Do you have a picture of your mouth, so I can see the space used by your teeth and the damaged one ?
Onny i am looking to put pics up soon, i have taken them but cant transfer them across to my laptop at the moment as i need to find the appropriate wire!!

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#33 Post by kay »

posted twice by accident!

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#34 Post by onny »

But don't blindly trust that person of course, ask for details and explanations and when it makes no sense, trust is the wrong thing todo. Whilst most orthos try their best for your health, some really are not much interested in the best treatment for you, just for them. Bad ppl you can find anywhere in any profession!
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
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#35 Post by onny »

Meryaten wrote: 2. do get your kids in for an ortho eval when they are young, because so much can be solved at that stage that can only be solved later by either extractions or surgery :?
True and important, and also make sure to have some basic knowledge about orthodontic treatments, and ask the doc everything. I found a website with cases of childs who got so wrong treatments, just because the doc wanted the maximum value from the insurance of the kid. (German cases, in Germany each kid has a free insurance until 18 years and it covers orthodontic treatment!) The time is over where you can just trust the ortho of your kids and let them do whatever they want. Attention is needed.

Btw I haven't seen the 60 minute media, i just read half of the chat log under the link, and it was about the topic of unnecessary extractions and the result of not so nice looking faces afterwards. That was my replies about, complaining about that procedures.
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
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#36 Post by 000Liv000 »

I think the skill and treatment plan of the orthodontist can dramatically affect the changes that occur in profiles. One ortho I consulted said that some of the overbite cases he's treated have become unhappy with their noses because they look bigger after treatment (because the teeth on top are moved back-he wanted to shave between a bunch of my teeth to move my top teeth back to fit the bottom.)
I chose a different ortho, then moved and the new ortho I chose said everything right at the consult but did everything wrong in treatment. Both my sister and I went to this guy and both of our chins were being pulled back. Both of us had small slightly receded chins to start with. I have an overbite, she doens't. It doesn't make sense that my chin would be pulled back when I have an overbite, but he was a really bad orthodontist. He didn't straighten my teeth and on both my sister and I our right teeth stick out more and the left curve back different. it looks bad. He "finished" treatment on my sister and she now has a chin pulled back too far, an uneven arch and a less wide smile than when she started (and we both said the whole time we wanted wider smiles.) I stopped treatment after being treated very rudely by the ortho and I realized that his finished was worse than my before. now I can't close my mouth :( and I'm trying to mentally and emotionally heal and pray that find a skilled and compassionate ortho who can fix me. (I thought getting braces was going to be a breeze-and the only trouble would be gettin used to people seeing me with metal on my teeth) -sorry about the personal stuff. it just bubbles out sometimes :)

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#37 Post by onny »

Its a very sad story, I'm sure you will find a skilled ortho who fixes that for your both and hope you didn't sustain serious damage.. I wish you best luck for it. Was you not skeptic when you got you chin moved back with an overbite or other methods of him? How can you sister gotten a smaller smile? Sounds like a doc who should loose his license. Id sue him or something.

Hm btw about the nose change, that reminds me I have to add to my list of questions to my ortho at the next adjustment, that I want to know in what way the expander and HG will change my appearance exactly. Bigger nose would be bad, broader smile and other smiling changes would be good. I realized I'm nearly unable to smile at all. My lips are to short to open so much that I can show all my teeth. Hard to explain.. But with a fixed bite, I can move the teeth more near to each other, which will result in a bigger smile.
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#38 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Whoa I hope things don't get too much more touchy with this subject. BUt personally I think it is good to know the ups and down of it all and at any rate it's all how you take it.

Everyone knows someone, that knows someone, that knows someone who had a bad expericence or outcome from something. Whether it be orthodontics, dentists or whatever. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. Just know what you are getting yourself into. Don't try to know to much, but at the same time don't go into it knowing nothing either.

I did that and my instinct was to wait, and find out more about what I was getting myself into and not just get hung up on the idea of having straight teeth. This site has been a major tool in me understanding the ins and outs, ups and downs of braces. And I hope that is how others new to this takes its as well, as a tool and not a definite thing, after all it's your treatment and your money. I'm going to ask questions until I turn blue in the face. lol Welllll maybe not. But enough to get a full understanding.

Annnnywho enough rambling...here is the link that has the video of those transcripts. Watch and judge for yourself.

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#39 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

Oh and the video is kind of grainy and audio is a little hard to hear...
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#40 Post by turrrtlelove22 »

omg...lol it even has a link to archwired... :wink:
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#41 Post by 000Liv000 »

[quote="onny"] Its a very sad story, I'm sure you will find a skilled ortho who fixes that for your both and hope you didn't sustain serious damage.. I wish you best luck for it. Was you not skeptic when you got you chin moved back with an overbite or other methods of him? How can you sister gotten a smaller smile? Sounds like a doc who should loose his license. Id sue him or something.. /[quote]

Yeah, I was very skeptical. I was with him a year; for the first half of that year I asked a few questions, and he easily answered them. but it didn't look like anything was getting done, so I started asking more and more questions, and he always had an answer, but he never did anything he said, and later on I caught him in lies. I was naive. I tried way too hard to communicate with him, and realized a little too late that saying what he's going to do and doing it are very different things. Then he made some screw ups and never fixed them. I look back and realize I should have listed all the problems out and maybe I would have realized sooner how many problems there were with my care and how much I needed to leave-It's made me a bit untrusting and scared of starting with someone new. but I'll have to get over it. :D I was unlucky in this situation, but i've seen some really great results so I know ther are good orthos out there.
and about my sisters teeth.- when the braces were put on, the teeth were pulled into the shape of the wire, so her cuspids and all her teeth were pulled into that shape. Since he never bent the wire to make her smile more broad, and her teeth were pulled inward during the aligning wire stage, it basically looks worse than when she began. :-=

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#42 Post by Emetic »

Okay, I just watched the 60 Australia video and I have to say, they sure know how to scare the bejesus out of people. I'm sort of glad I came across this thread before my consultation with the ortho because this will definitely be #1 on my list to ask about.

Am I the only one that thinks Ben looks more attractive than Quinton? Sure, they look a little different, but the difference is so subtle, I wouldn't have noticed unless they pointed it out. They don't look like identical twins anymore, but they look like brothers that look VERY alike.
Last edited by Emetic on Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#43 Post by Emetic »

*EDIT: Ooops, double post.

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#44 Post by Saki »

This Dispatches video is typical of the way the majority of British science documentaries have gone recently. They're far more concerned with sensationalizing their subject matter than portraying balanced arguments. They seem to have the view that the public are too stupid to watch something that's genuinely balanced and informative. It's a shame because of course people undergoing or thinking of undergoing orthodontic treatment will be concerned about how it might change their looks (I know I am) but scaring people in the way these programmes do is irresponsible and perhaps even 'damaging' (to use their terminology!).
I guess things like this can make us ask more questions of our orthos, which can only be a good thing, but at the end of the day the fear the media try to implant in people is probably counter-productive.

, that letter is a great find. Call me a sucker for authority, but the British Dental Journal is more convincing for me than a TV programme whose main aim is not to inform but to entertain. :)

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#45 Post by Joual »

An ortho who said that I need 2 extractions told me that my face would look slightly different - ortho treatment would move back my lips and make my chin a little more prominent. He drew a picture to try and illustrate that.

Another ortho who said I need 4 extractions told me that my lips, cheeks, & chin would look the same after treatment. (He seemed like he was in a hurry. I am not going back to him.)

Another ortho who said 4 extractions told me that my upper lip would look less full, but my lower lip and the rest of my face would look the same.

I have an overbite on top and crowding on the bottom.

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