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Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 8:46 pm
by nvcarissa
I think that maybe there is a period of time in the braces process when the face looks a bit haggard. My face lengthened from my surgery and that was fine with me (I have a stronger chin and the mandibular advancement tightened the area under my chin!). What wasn't fine with me is that for a quite a few months I really did have that Skeletor look. BUT, that seems to have eased off now and my face, though changed, has smoothed out and gotten back to its natural plumpness, which isn't as much as some, but the Skeletor look was really too much.

What I think has happened is that in the first 12-18 months of my braces I wasn't exercising/using my facial muscles as much as I normally do, and especially after my surgery, I was much more hesitant to put any stress on my jaw. And it showed in my face. I weakened the muscles which led to a tired, gaunt look.

So, perhaps doing facial exercises isn't such a bad idea. Think about the way weights are used to provide tone and definition to a body, the same goes with your face.

So...stop hiding your braces (and yes, pursing your lips together to cover them will naturally make your face look thinner since you are actually trying to cover more real estate), smile more, chew hard foods, etc. I think this will help.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:57 pm
by 19Braceface

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 3:28 pm
by nickym
Hi, it's interesting to hear everyone talking about their face changing shape. I've only had my braces on for a month but already I'm sure my face looks different. I've lost some weight since getting the braces on due to not being able to eat as much, but my face seems to look more angular too. I've had people comment on it, saying I've lost a lot of weight off my face but I do think it's partly to do with the braces. I have to say, I don't mind it at all if people are commenting on how much weight I've lost, but I hope my face doesn't change too much!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:29 am
by mbarbi
my face and profile changed a bit since i got braces.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:55 pm
by idolfan4
yeah, but isn't having a longer face after braces suppose to be a good thing? Because I saw my pictures before I had braces and my face was chubbier and smaller. I like how I look now.

Braces Came On: August 2nd, 2005
Braces Come Off: April 19th, 2007


I've noticed....

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:11 am
by acehigh
You know, I thought it was my imagination but my face does look a bit longer now that i have braces on. Good to know there's others with the same little problem.