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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:41 am
by Epyx
Just turned 40, have had braces now for 8 months. I don't encounter adults with braces in my travels much - the oldest I had seen at work was early 30s.

I used to wonder what people might be thinking (before I got them), but it's one of the best decisions I ever made. My only regret is not getting them sooner. I used to put my hand in front of my mouth a lot when I smiled - I haven't done that for many months, and I won't ever do it again :)

I only really got them to close up a large gap between my front teeth. But nice straight teeth, better bite alignment, reduced overjet and improved spacing are all very welcome bonuses!

Go for it, you won't regret it.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:41 am
by Jembrace
I'll turn 49 in a couple of weeks, got my metal mouth this past December. I also have bite problems, so no invisalign. I've had a bracket or two come off a few times, but otherwise things are moving right along. You're right in with the rest of us fortysomethings, might as well have fun!


Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:09 pm
by Graceful58
A few more weeks before I go in for the my full fledge consultation with all the xrays and models they took. I've just started my own blog and will journel it each step of the way. Check it out if you have the time.

Thank you again to the "40 Crowd", I look foward to hearing how you're all doing each step of the way.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:13 pm
by laurene

I'm 41 and will be getting braces in a month or two (finally). I have thought about it since I was a teenager, and now I'm getting them. Finding this forum was one of the greatest things. I didn't know that braces are 'in'!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:09 pm
by Graceful58

That's great, I'm sure you're very excited about getting started! I get my pallet expanders in a couple more weeks...not excited just want to get things moving. ;) I have a wonderful ortho and he's having them make the pallet expander without all of the acrylic which will make it easier for me to talk...

44 and in braces

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:17 pm
by acehigh
Hi. I've been wearing my braces for over 4 months now. I have gotten used to them, and was recently given elastics to correct an overbite. When I first went to visit the ortho, I was telling him I'm there to get invisalign. Because of the overbite, this was not possible. I then left and forgot about it all. A month later the receptionist phoned to see if I was coming back. After thinking about it, I thought it wouldn't hurt to take the next step. X-rays, pics, etc. I once again told the doctor that I'm not there for braces, but for invisalign.....even if the overbite would go back a little I would be happy. He once again told me there was no way that would work. So, I once again left the office and that was that. The receptionist phones again, and I actually made the appointment to have actual braces put on my teeth. I went with the clear inovation....the newest ones. Of course when you have them put on for the first time and see that archwire all over the place........ohhhhhhhhh boy, it's enough to throw you for a loop. I was My teeth were actually quite nice and straight to begin with. I left the office, went home, looked in the mirror, and headed straight back to the office. I told the doctor I wanted them taken off!! (I was trying not to He told me to give it an hour and then come back. Of course he had a nice talk with me first, trying to tell me to try them out for a week. Of course this was just too long a time frame......I was in a panic. I went home, talked to my daughter who told me to keep them on. She mentioned that my bite and the pain in my jaw would only get worse. Besides, everyone wears them. (They really are very common). I ended up phoning the office and telling them I would give it a week. It's been over 4 months, and i'm so happy my daughter was home during that one hour to stop me from having them out. Within that week I actually noticed changes, which made me excited, and glad that I made the right decision. Besides, no one really cares that you're wearing them....only you. The pain in my jaw went away immediately as my teeth were forced into new positions. I couldn't believe it. The doctor told me that he has had many patients that were unhappy and unsure, but I was the first to come back within 1/2 hour wanting them off. What a patient man he (I'm female by the way). Go for it.....the time does fly by. (I didn't realize I wrote such a long message). :D

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:58 pm
by bracesafter40
I'm 41, almost 42 and got braces on Feb. 28, 2007. Just do it and get metal!
Wednesday was my high point; I saw changes after two weeks with the bottoms! I was so excited! ... mming.html

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:38 am
by sashamax
I'm 42 and been in braces since March 2 2007. I could completely relate to the story of the person who wanted to take them off after only 1 hour, however as time goes on and the changes begin I now want to leave them on and finish. I find the soft tissue damage the worst side effect. I used to cover my mouth before braces as I was embarrased by my smile, so with braces this is not different for me.

Good luck on your journey

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:37 pm
by Ready2go43
Hi I am 44(in 2 weeks)got braced yesterday got stressed about it,after it was all done,I cant understand what I got stressed about,all went great,should of done it years ago,go for it,good luck

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:18 pm
by lilsisbet
Braced at 46 and they will be off at 48 - June 14th, 2007 is my official debanding date unless a cancellation comes available in May :lol:.

Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. I consider it one of the best things I have done for myself. The 26 months in braces has flown - there have been no issues with friends, family or in the workplace. But I will admit... I am very happy to be at the back end of the process. It will be Peaches and Cream corn on the cob for me this summer with lots of butter and salt! :D

Forty Plus Plus

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:01 am
by ellebee
I'm closer to 50 than to 40. Although I think my braces make me look 35. Well, there has to be a bright side. Haha.



Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:46 pm
by Dreamsmile
I had my braces put on March 6th 2007 at age 46 it has been a month and a half already. I am totally use to them now. Although as my teeth shift my speech gets a bit slurry. Eating is not painful anymore, I still cut things up. But I say go for it and good luck. I need upper and lower surgery. Won't have everythng completed for another 2 years or so.

Hi Graceful!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:23 pm
by KateEd
I'm 48 and had my braces put on two days ago. I went to work today and no one even noticed, but they noticed my brand new tennis shoes! I have very little pain, just a few mouth sores, dental wax is my friend. I wanted Invisilign too, but my bite is way too off for it to work without a lot of hassle. Just think of it this way, with Invisilign, you're torturing your teeth, with regualr braces, someone else is, blame the poor ortho assistant. Joking! I don't have any info on the expansion thing, just hope it's not a painful thing for you. Good luck and a great smile to come. Kate

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 1:42 pm
by Al dente
I'm 43 and was just braced a few hours ago (my first post is in here somewhere). It seems we are unanimous: go for it, and don't let the image of ol' metal mouth deter you. My only suggestion is that you consult with enough orthos. My recommendations were pretty varied, and included surgery, but I finally decided on a practitioner who uses Damons without RPE. Good luck!