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Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:04 am
by MissDiana
I've stayed away from all the "no-no" foods like chips, hard pretzels, and sticky candy, but I've still managed to pop a bracket and a wire in a little under a month.

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, but if I'm going to be at the ortho's every week I may as well just have a caramel apple and be done with it! :wink:

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:12 am
by hopelessjen
I'm amazed at all off you who follow the list and have even broken habits based on the "no no list." I'm sitting here thinking about how I haven't had a Diet Pepsi in 6 hours and we have none in the house. I can't even imagine my life without soda. My goal for now is to limit my soda intake to that of a small (soda loving) nation.

By the way I have eaten everything on the "no no list" and haven't had a single problem. I think my greatest accomplishment was the loads of peanut brittle I made at christmas and helped demolish. I also eat baby carrots, chew gum (only Extra though), foods on sticks, hard candy and suckers, chips, sandwiches, and especially popcorn. I've been braced for 10 months now and not so much as a bent anything. I test chew everything though. If it feels bad, it is bad.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 7:26 pm
by sweetgirl
i eat just about everything, too. soda, red wine, corn chips, sweets. the only things i stay away from are gum and chewy candy (usually). i've been avoiding popcorn and nuts, but after reading everyone's posts, i think i'll go ahead and eat those, too! :)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 8:06 pm
by rosiepoo
ALL you folks are totally i mean totally awesome... no holds barred! i only have brakets on, no wires but... everytime i eat wraps, pizza, salad greens, i cant begin to tell u how much get stuck on my brackets!! i love this forum... where all the vices is just plain alright :lol:

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:00 am
by TheShmo
jt2lang - I'll have to try that idea! I like the taste of grape juice, but usually find it too strong, so that would a good solution... and you are right about just having water around and nothing else. I've found if I have a bottle of water in the fridge BY ITSELF then I'll drink it, but if there is even ONE soda/juice/milk in there, the water is left alone LOL Oh, and I definitely agree w/ you and Meryaten about the taste of unfiltered water :yuck: We have a filtered water dispenser in our fridge, but we need a new filter, and I can DEFINITELY taste the difference!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 6:17 pm
by spaced*out
I haven't ate anything on my no-no list so I think I've done pretty good. My ortho said with cooperation your time in braces could be shortened . Maybe that will happen my teeth are moving the way they should.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 7:58 pm
by sweetgirl
ok you've got me scared, Meryaten, cause section of archwire that goes over my extraction gaps is always a little bent out of shape somehow because of something i eat or even if i just press against my cheek. will this lengthen my treatment time??

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 6:27 pm
by kirjax
this was an interesting read.

The "no-no" foods should be easy for me for I do not eat any nuts or drink soda. I do however like ice tea but I can drink from a straw or try to drink white tea.

I am not a huge snacker. I heard pizza sometimes breaks brackets! Oh boy I'm not giving up pizza.

But I did just realize that I am going to have to put a lot of thought into what I eat before I eat it now.

since I'm getting ceramic I'll have to avoid alot of foods that could discolor the waterice, mustard, ketchup etc. But I can make do. I will def. keep up with keeping my braces as clean as possible.

Not on the no no list but now on mine

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 2:59 pm
by wired after 50
I was braced on 4-25-07 and have been very careful about what I eat. Last night I wanted something sweet and saw a package of cookies. Well two cookies later the little wire for pulling a tooth behind the others broke. I did not realize it until after I brushed my teeth. SO today I call the ortho and he is not in the office until Monday. So I guess it will be wax until then.

And I am back to break things up and delivering straight to the back molars.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 5:42 pm
by Taylor
Heh. I got my braces two days ago and I've already eaten several no-no foods. I ate chips last night AND today, and I sucked on a starburst the day that I actually got braced.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 6:34 pm
by wired after 50
Meryaten wrote:Bad luck there, Wired :( You raise a good point, that whilst no-no foods are generally ok, much care is needed in some cases where special extras are in use - custom gadgets, extra (thin) wires or chains, and so forth :(

Sorry if our advice contributed to this happening.

Well it did in a sense but being 50+ I should have realized that I needed to be more careful as you said about the thin wire pulling the tooth forward. SO I am back to watermelon and applesauce as my sweet treats. I need to look for an url on things you can eat in braces.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 6:43 pm
by Betty Bat
Dear Wired Over 50,
As another wired over 50, I can tell you that chocolate (no nuts, please) and ice cream are good choices. And, they probably won't break any wires!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 10:00 pm
by MiamiRox05
I was not about to make myself miserable by stop eating all my favorite treats and snacks.

The only thing I refrain from is biting into anything hard, like apples. I have to slive myself small pieces.
I know corn and ribs are suppose to be a big no-no but I eat them carefully. Give up BBQ nights? No way.

I will say this though, I was enjoying some hard christmas cookies last year and broke the bracket off my last tooth, I had to wait for the dr to get back from vacation to fix it. Now I just eat moist chewy cookies, which are yummier anyhow.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 4:19 pm
by wired after 50
I guess we all learn the hard way. I just hope this is my last breakage. One problem I have is I have a dairy intolerance/allergy so that cuts out lots of soft yummy foods. In the meantime I have leaned it you can cut it small and eat with a fork and knife then don't eat it.