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Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:14 pm
by bbsadmin
shaolin wrote: Before I found this site I was convinced that I was probably the only over 21 year old in the world who was considering braces - let alone any other teachers!
That's the beauty of the internet, isn't it? Finding out that you are not alone in whatever it is you are facing. Hope you're not in too much pain, having just gotten braced. By the time you're back at school after winter break, you will be almost totally used to them, which will be good!

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:03 am
by shaolin
Hi Lynn (?). This is a really impressive site and a great resource. I have a few websites that I run myself and from that perspective am impressed with the niche that you have seen and developed. It also highlights the fact that people surf the net for content and making a site about what you have a genuine interest in makes the best sites.

I'm not in too much pain, dealing with it largely by just not eating much! - and there's an awful lot of food goodies around at the moment with it being Christmas eve.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 2:33 pm
by mariahfromchicago
Last year, my English teacher had braces (clear). It wasn't a big deal. They weren't that noticeable. I have the metal kind and some of my friends forget that I have braces :lol:
- mariah :banana: