B-day is 12/11/2007

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#31 Post by Beckster »

Your new braces look great!! :D Here's to a nice painless rest of your day and maybe a nice frozen ocean or 2 this evening!

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Congrats Lilfoot!

#32 Post by wiredgrin »

I am in the waiting room and I got to see your pic before I go in today for the full banding treatment! Looks great, you are happy I bet. Take care and I will check back. Waiting to be called back to the treatment room now. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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#33 Post by LateStarter »

Congratulations on making a start, lilfoot! You look great! And good luck to the others having their b-day today :)

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Re: Lilfoot's new smile

#34 Post by lilfoot1112 »

Jendz wrote:Yea for Lilfoot's new smile :D

They look great and you should be proud- you are on your way to a super duper looking smile (which already looks pretty super already).

Was it painful? Did they do both the top and bottom this morning?

Congrats on the new smile!!!
:pinkbraces: Thank you. It didn't hurt at all just some pressure when they put the wire in. How did you b-day going? :D

I had my braces on for 3 years 4 months and 24 days that would be a grand total of 1220 days

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How is the new smile?

#35 Post by Jendz »

Just wondering how Wiredgrin is doing? How did the braces go? Tell us about your adventure :D

Lilfoot- no braces for me on b-day, I ended up with 8 spacers instead- not fun. Today my teeth were bleeding, pretty miserable but will be out soon- My brace day is monday, I can't wait!! How are you doing with your braces?

Latestarter has her braces on also- was there anyone else getting braced this week? What about next week- anyone getting braced on Monday?

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there on the move

#36 Post by lilfoot1112 »

:) Hey Jendz
So sorry that you didn't get your braces yet I know spacers are a real pain in the :yikes: A**. I wish you had my Ortho. he uses buccal molar brackets. My teeth are on the move! When they put them on it didn't hurt at all it just felt different with all the new stuff in my mouth.
I have to admit that about 12hours :shock: after I got the uppers and lowers on. I felt like I've been hit :huh: in the mouth I was pretty much in tears by the end of the night and didn't want to talk to my hubby cause it hurt to much, but I have to say the tips on here are great :-* and I'm still kinda on soft foods and anything cold but it's a lot better :dance: . I haven't heard from Wriedgrin I hope he is well?

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Where is Wiredgrin ??? :)

#37 Post by lilfoot1112 »

Hey Wiredgrin
How are you? How did you brace day go? all is well here weather is a little crazy here :crazy: but better. My mouth is kinda back to normal I did have a couple of days I was in a lot of pain I can't lie I cryed :-(( about 12 hours later after they put them on. It didn't hurt at all when they went on {but how a couple of hours later can change everything} I'm still here and holding strong I love to show my grin it kinda funny I really never showed it untel now :pinkbraces: I hope you are well. and hope to hear from you soon and I think Jendz would to!


I had my braces on for 3 years 4 months and 24 days that would be a grand total of 1220 days

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Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan

Mixed Emotions

#38 Post by Jendz »

Well it finally happened- I am braced, well I guess half-braced. I arrived at the dentist at 9:00 am and they immediately took me back and started removing the spacers :D (thank goodness)- he was suprised at how much trouble the spacers gave me and he stated that he has never had a patient have any problems/pain with the spacers. I really didn't know what to say- so I just honestly said 'I am not like everyone else I guess and I am pretty sensitive to changes in my mouth'. I felt like a huge baby after he said that, it would have been nice if he would have followed his statement up with something like 'well everyone is different' or 'every patient responds to treatment differently' or something, but alas he did not.

After the spacers were out and the Dental hygienist finished rolling her eyes at me after I explained the pain that the caused they started applying the molar bands. My molars had really moved and the molar bands fit with no problem. Once those were cemented on they went on to the brackets, then the arch wire and finally the ligatures. I had originally told them I wanted clear brackets and wouldn't you know the dentist just couldn't recall that and hadn't ordered them for me.

I guess I am just a jumble of emotions right now, I am kind of frustrated at my dentist and the less than comforting dental hygienist who acted as though she would rather be anywhere else than holding the blue light to bond my brackets to my teeth; at one point she was supposed to be holding the cotton to keep the lips out of the way and presto- she got side tracked talking about the snow and within about 2 seconds my lips started to glue themselves to the bracket. About five minutes later a bracket fell off and she was supposed to hold one of the instruments to my bracket while the dentist did something else and before I knew it that sharp instrument had somehow landed in my very sensitive gums- all she said was- "oh I guess that's your gums"- umm... YES it is! :x

Please forgive my unhappy entry here. I was so looking forward to this experience and so far I really feel ready to give up. I am scheduled to get my bottom braces on the 14th of Jan and I just don't know anymore. I had a lot of comments said to me today from various co-workers which has added to my frustration, many said "wow, that's one way to look like you're 12", "I guess you don't want a boyfriend anytime soon', and "Why would you do such a thing to yourself?". I am kind of starting to wonder this myself :cry:

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#39 Post by LateStarter »

Wiredgrin, how's everything going?

Lilfoot, I'm glad to hear your pain is subsiding. Hopefully you'll be back to eating normally really soon :)

Jendz, that's great that you've got your braces, but I'm so sorry that it didn't go as you might have hoped. If you're not happy with the hygienist, you could always say something to her. Maybe she doesn't realise that she's being insensitive towards you, and you saying something will snap her out of it.

Don't give up - it will get better! Ignore the silly remarks from your coworkers, or just idly comment to them that you're surprised they feel that your braces are any of their business. Please hang in there, we're all here to support you and you'll be so pleased with your end result, so keep that in mind :)

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#40 Post by Chris1960 »

Yeah Jendz. Ignore the silly comments. When somebody asks me why I got braced so late in life I just laugh and say "yeah, right" and change the subject.

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hang in there :)

#41 Post by lilfoot1112 »

Hey Jendz,
I with Chris1960 ignore the silly comments. Just think the only reason there saying them is cause they want to change somthin about them self and they can't. I'm sorry that you dental office was like that to you but hang in there in the end you'll look great :rose: . Over all how are you feeling?

I had my braces on for 3 years 4 months and 24 days that would be a grand total of 1220 days

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