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Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:54 am
by tammers1010
When I first got braces on I was incredibly self-concious. I was paranoid for a few reasons one: I was braced at 28, and two: I teach middle school. It didn't help that my best friend of 15 years laughed her butt off the first time she saw me in braces and and told me I looked like I was 16 years old again. Um, yeah. I thought I would burst into tears in the middle of happy hour...not what I expected my friend to say. Incidentally, upon seeing my reaction she realized that I was upset and she quickly apologized. I think sometimes people forget how they felt when they had braces.
That being said almost everyone else was great. My students loved it...they were actually thrilled a teacher had braces...half of them even have the same ortho as me. I also keep meeting other adults who have had braces as adults. It is really great how supportive these other adults have been. I didn't realize before getting braced how many adults actually had braces as adults. It is nice to find people who have been in your shoes.

BTW, once people get used to the braces, the comments will stop.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:32 am
by Annie2009
Tammers, your experience with your best friend reminded me of my own first post-brace fitting encounter. I literally walked out of the orthodontist's office with my ceramic uppers and metal lowers, to meet up with my mum who was visibily shocked at my appearance!! :shock: I was thinking that they didn't look too obvious and was pretty worried at my Mum's reaction. Then it became clear...she thought I was having invisalign braces and hadn't expected to be able to see my braces at all! :lol:

A negative reaction from someone in those first few days post-fitting when you are already feeling a little vulnerable can have quite an impact :(

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:58 pm
by sm2teach
It is hard to know what to tell you without knowing your work atmosphere. Were I work we are very laid back and it is common to tease (all in fun) each other about all kinds of things. We have a blast and it is never done to be hurtful. As far as my braces go I am lucky that there are four other teachers in braces, so it isn't really an issue. I do think that you consider it a bigger deal than your coworkers. I cannot see them teasing you if they knew it hurt you. I tend to lean toward the people who say "laugh it off," but that is coming from a job where even the boss joins in the harmless banter.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 7:00 pm
by sm2teach
edit above post:
where I work, not were I work.

You would think a teacher would be able to use correct grammar. I guess I am still on summer vacation. :oops:

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:22 am
by rolo
It's interesting I think the most negative reactions seem to come from people with bad teeth. The only negative stuff I got was from an older woman at work, before I got them, but then again she is pretty negative, whether it be braces or a holiday in the Carribean, she will find fault. she has the worst teeth, but in fairness nothing said when I actually got them.

The only other thing was a patient coming in for drug addiction treatment, who shouted "Do you have braces" at the top of their voice in a crowded waiting area. Another patient, made a comment about the first patient not actually having any teeth left to put braces on (harsh but true). The thing is the comment wasn't made until 5 mths into treatment so it took them long enough to notice, I see them three days a week!

I have to say if it's okay for people to tease you about braces, game on for you to tease them about their sensitive issues, and we all have them, whether it be teeth, weight, shape of nose, whatever.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:23 am
by rolo
It's interesting I think the most negative reactions seem to come from people with bad teeth. The only negative stuff I got was from an older woman at work, before I got them, but then again she is pretty negative, whether it be braces or a holiday in the Carribean, she will find fault. she has the worst teeth, but in fairness nothing said when I actually got them.

The only other thing was a patient coming in for drug addiction treatment, who shouted "Do you have braces" at the top of their voice in a crowded waiting area. Another patient, made a comment about the first patient not actually having any teeth left to put braces on (harsh but true). The thing is the comment wasn't made until 5 mths into treatment so it took them long enough to notice, I see them three days a week!

I have to say if it's okay for people to tease you about braces, game on for you to tease them about their sensitive issues, and we all have them, whether it be teeth, weight, shape of nose, whatever.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:28 pm
by sdawdy
I have had my braces for 29 months now and it (to me) is more embarrassing for someone to look at me now and say oh when did you get braces or did you just get braces? For some reason, I just have a problem saying nope had them for over 2 years....

anyone else have this?