Clear or Metal...Is one better?

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#31 Post by beth1966 »

The total treatment time is lengthened as it takes longer with ceramic as they can't put as much strain on the teeth.

NOT always true - I met with many orthos prior to treatment and not ONE said ceramic brackets would increase my treatment time.

>Ceramic brackets break easier which also lengthens treatment time. I've broken 3 brackets and each time had to wait over a week for a new individual bracket to be shipped from america as the orthos don't keep them in stock due to the cost of them.

ALSO not always true!! Many people NEVER break a ceramic bracket!
and for those who live in the USA, if they do break a bracket most orthos keep them in stock.

>The worse thing is from an aesthetic point of view I actually believe they look worse than metal braces as the clear bands stain so easily so they only look clear the first 2 or 3 days after getting them changed. No matter what you eat they will stain so you then spend the next 6--8 weekks until the next change looking like you have a very brown dirty mouth and teeth.

This might be true IF you have brackets that require LIGATURES. And it depends on what color ligature you choose. However, if your ortho offers self ligating brackets that do NOT require ligatures - then there is no staining! The bracket itself does not stain - it is the ligature (little rubber band that goes around each bracket) that stains.

>And the final thing I think is that people have commented to me that they stare more as it looks like something is wrong with my mouth and they can't immediatey see what,whereas if I had metal braces they wouldhave just looked once and seen it was obvious and probably never noticed again!

It is ashame you are unhappy with your braces. Whenever I see someone with ceramics on - I think they look great. Metals are dark and on some look great too - but I've never seen someone with ceramics look like something is wrong with their mouth.

>I really wish I had knew about some of these before making my choice, Idon't know if any of this will be a help to you but I found my private ortho was very keen to push me into this choice due to the extra money he makes for it but every NHS ortho/orthognathic person I have seen since tell me how much people usually regret the choice/how much extra work it makes for them.

That is very unfortunate that an ortho pushes someone into a choice to make more money when in affect others claim it causes more work.
Sounds very counter productive.

I'd be curious to hear if they offer self ligating brackets in the country you live. So sorry you are unhappy with your choice - just pointing out to others, that there are many factors that affect this choice such as traditional brackets with ligatures as you describe vs. self ligating without ligs. :)

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#32 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Beth1966: Thanks for posting that! I wish more people would post replies to threads like this who actually have ceramic braces. I love my ceramic tops and hate my metal bottoms. A lot of people who comment about ceramic braces are truly uninformed about them.

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#33 Post by sauerkraut »

Snowglobe32 wrote:... I wish more people would post replies to threads like this who actually have ceramic braces...
OK, I'll play :D

I have self-ligating ceramics on the social 6 and metal (also self-ligating) everywhere else. The ceramics are a bit less visible, although it's still obvious I'm wearing braces. But other than that I've noticed absolutely NO difference between the metals and ceramics.

- They feel the same
- They look the same size
- They cause exactly the same amount of discomfort (or not)
- They don't stain
- My ortho seems to have no problems applying any amount of force :wink:
- I haven't broken or lost any yet
- Speed of movement has been the same (actually if anything the teeth with the ceramics have moved a bit quicker)
- And no-one has told me I can't have surgery with ceramics.

Maybe some of that depends on the brand? I dunno. FWIW I have InOvation (C & R, I think).

Just my experience, for anyone who's interested :)
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BSSO: Nov 2010
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#34 Post by LC'sTeefs »

I have IN-Ovation C also. If you do a search for that brand, you will discover that they are supposed to move the teeth faster than traditional metal non-self ligating brackets.

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