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Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:27 am
by toffeebraces1878
I'm from the UK too, i'm from Liverpool :)

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 11:28 am
by psych braces
I'm from the US, I live in New York and do not know anyone in their 40's who have braces. I paid the full bill for my orthodontics since my insurance doesn't cover any ortho care if you are over 18 years of age. Ortho care in New York is quite expensive and from what I can see, it is rare for adults. I have been to my ortho office a total of 6 times since beginning this journey and have not come across an adult being served yet.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:24 am
by Wongohk
Hong Kong, wish i have done it early on in high school when treatment was much cheaper!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:28 am
by Sandpiper
I'm in the UK too - in Buckinghamshire. I haven't seen anyone my age (40s) in braces locally, but one or two in their 20s. However, now I am looking at people's teeth with a critical eye, I notice all the people who SHOULD be in braces!! My treatment is supposed to last 18 months to 2 years....I'm hoping for 18 months, so I will be free by Christmas 2011!!

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:49 am
by lilfoot1112
US here Philadelpha PA I've only seen a hand full of adults here and my best friend being one of them.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:27 am
by Ionika
i'm from Romania and my ensurance doesnt cover my dental problems, so i'm paying 2000E for my braces and 30-40 E for every appointment, depending on what they change...
it is on the rather expensive end of the prices here...

i haven't seen any other adults in braces but i have a friend that is the same age and will get them second time round, for an open bite that came back :)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:02 am
by sammywantstraightteeth
I'm in England.

I know a 'friend of a friend' who had braces as an adult - but other than that I don't know anyone else who has.

Some people at work are curious. Some are just like 'what is the point in that'. Others ask why I didn't have it done when I was a teenager like everyone else (I stopped going to the dentist when I was 12. Hated it, and my parents didn't make me go beyond that).

Now that I've got braces, I notice other people's teeth all the time. And lots of adults have wonky teeth. I'm glad that in a year or so I won't be one of them :)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:39 am
by sunsmile
I come from HK too and I've had teeth braces for about 1 year.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:06 am
by footpounds
I'm in Texas.....y'all. :wink:

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:16 am
by bb2811
I'm from Canberra, Australia. Braces here are pretty expensive but are partially covered by private health insurance. There are a few adults around with braces - either for a second time or because their parents couldn't afford to get them when their kids were younger.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:46 am
by JessieJ
I am from Victoria, Australia. Don't know any adults personally with braces most had them at school. But I am keeping my eye out.
My private health does not cover orthodontics but is tax claimable I have been told, will need to look into it. Expensive but have been saving :lol:

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:19 pm
by slightlycrooked
I'm from Sydney Australia and i've only ever seen one older adult in braces, however quite a few of my friends (also 18) are still in/now getting braces :)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:04 pm
by EstelleDeParis
I live in the US.

I ended up being more self conscious of my teeth than I was since I live in the US and decided to pay out of pocket to get them fixed.


Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:31 am
by Sambo
[quote="toffeebraces1878"]I'm from the UK too, i'm from Liverpool :)[/quote]

I'm from Liverpool tooooooooo :D

Re: Where is everyone from?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:09 am
by sophier
I'm in New Zealand. A lot of teenagers here get braces around 13-14, but I know a few older teens and adults that have had them.

Braces are VERY expensive here. Especially the damon ones (which I'm getting) :(