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Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:09 am
by babymetalmouth
LOL!!! I realize I sounded a bit spoilt then but seriosuly I have to buy all of my stuff myself, I mean all of it, and its annoying becuase I work but I havent got paid yet. And seeing as other people on NHS get them I though I would. So I didnt mean to sound spoilt!! :oops: Sorry!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:15 am
by jcdamon3
I got all the normal stuff, toothbrush, wax, proxy brush, etc plus I got a gift certificate to Jamba Juice!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:40 am
by Jillianleab
I got an "Orthodontic Survival Kit" in a neat-o animal-print box! It had three packets of wax, three proxy brushes, a travel toothbrush, regular toothbrush with proxy on the end, mirror, floss, floss threaders, a list of the "no-no foods" and a card with what happens if you don't brush well enough on one side and common braces problems and how to fix them (poking wire, etc) on the other side. My hubby was jealous - when he had braces as a teen he got one piece of wax wrapped in wax paper and sent on his way!

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:22 am
by jmrut22
Wow I feel really good about my goodie bag. I got wax, floss, v shaped toothbrush, list of things not to eat and a ROTODENT electric toothbrush with 3 heads, & tongue cleaner, ROTODENT picks and the bag had a smily face with braces on... Although I bet I paid for the toothbrush in the treatment. I'd say the toothbrush was close to 125.00 US Dollars.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:29 am
by CLAmom
I got a zippered bag with a couple v cut travel toothbrushes, 3 or 4 containers of dental wax, some threader flossers, & this big fridgie magnet listing all the forbidden foods. At my 2nd adjustment I also got a t shirt. That's all.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:51 pm
by Echo
I got the same survival kit as Jillian. My son recently had his braces removed at the same ortho I use, and he received a big water bottle loaded with all the candy you're not supposed to eat while in braces. I thought I had read somewhere that our ortho gives you a certificate for a free portrait when your braces come off, but my son didn't get that. I didn't take him to his debonding appointment or I would have asked.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:10 pm
by nvcarissa
My goody bag wasn't anything spectacular, but I wasn't expecting anything really, except maybe information on how to take care of my teeth. I got a travel ortho toothbrush, two proxy brushes, a bunch of floss threaders, about four containers of wax, do's and don'ts of eating and a laminated sheet on how to brush my teeth. All of this came in a white sports bottle with bendy straw.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:15 am
by LP
I just got home from getting my braces and I got a bit of a goodie bag. Here's the list:

5 packs Super floss
2 packs floss threaders
1 pack normal floss
2 regular tooth brushes
1 container of wax
1 of thos funny little brsuhes that look like a mini bottle brush
1 thing to hang on the fridge with care and food no-no's etc.

I was told not to bother buying replacements for any of those things as I could help myself at each visit.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:34 am
by princesspenelope
One Oral B ortho toothbrush
One pack of wax
One bag of floss threader (four or five in the bag)
One pack of travel size Oral B floss
12 disclosing tablets
One tube of travel size toothpaste
One travel size ACT mouth rinse
Two spiral proxi-brushes
One pack of threader floss (pre-cut with stiff ends; about 10 in a pack)
One fridge magnet with what I'm not supposed to eat on it
One mirror sign with how I'm supposed to brush and floss
One T-shirt (braced smiley face on the back and ortho's logo on the front; I picked the pink shirt)

The assistant said I can get free refills.
And later I got a night guard for free when my bracket fell off.
The only thing I got on my own was a compact mirror.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:35 am
by jaswi
I got a pamphlet on cleaning your braces, a few toothbrushes, a travel ortho-cut brush, flouride rinse(Travel size), 2 things of wax, some disclosing tablets and thats it. Hope my bag is better when I get them off- hell a gift certificate to a steak house would rock! ;) (I'm craving red meat, can you tell?)

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:22 pm
by *Denise*
At every adjustment for the past 16 months... I've been getting my goody bags with lots of toothbrush, toothpaste, wax, floss etc. All I have to say is that... it pays to be nice :)

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:46 pm
by Leslie022
No sonicare tooth brush for me...but already had one, so I'm not disappointed. Mine had wax, a toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, fluoride rinse, disclosing tablets, proxy brushes, and a t-shirt.