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Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:59 pm
by metallicafan
Getting my braces not looking forward to it at all.....just want the 2 years to go by fast!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:04 am
by LizzyG
zuccamori - my ortho says that I might need to have some extractions down the line, and if so it will be the wisdom teeth that will come out, so I think it must be pretty normal. I've had one out already and it wasn't too bad, so don't worry.

I can't believe that this time next week I will be getting braces :shock: but I'm really excited too!

I have an important meeting the following monday, will I be able to speak etc ok?

Good luck all of you in the Feb gang :D

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:12 am
by zuccamori
thanky Lizzy! :)

thanks for your kind words and hope u like your braces too! i feel better now that i read up more about wisdom tooth extraction. seems it's for the better.. too, nevermind putting on braces or not.

i am gonna get my colleagues to answer incoming calls if i do sound weird.. but all the best for your meeting! u should be up and running by then :D


Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:33 pm
by rkrogers
I had 2 wisdom teeth removed in Dec. I was put under and it was such a blessing! The funny thing is the anesthesia (is that the right spelling?) was the thing I feared the most! But I was glad I did it.

Just make sure the 1st day you have the SURE to keep icepacks on your jaw. It really does not do much good after the 1st day. Take your pain pills if you feel this slightest discomfort. You will be glad you did.

Hope this helps!

Have a Blessed Day!


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 10:54 am
by kel

Just got my top braces in today. Am so glad I was really nervous, but so far so pain yet and feeling great! :D

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:47 pm
by ukcolin
Well done Kel and all.

Mine have been in since last friday, my teeth are still tender and my gums are pretty shredded but every days gets a bit better.

Still feels wierd when im talking to new people but with time ill probably forget there there.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:01 pm
by Dadio
I guess this counts for getting braced in Feb, I get my lower arch on 2/14 after a dental checkup/cleaning on 2/13. Wow, fun!! My lower bands are already on, so that's out of the way. It'll be my daughter's and my 4th checkup. They had to get the tops to move so that I didn't hit brackets all the time. Really surprising how fast things have moved on the top arch. I don't see a lot myself from the ortho's records pics, but I saw a photo the other day that's one of the few open mouth pictures of me ever, and man, what a change!

Best wishes to all those getting 'worked on' this month.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:14 pm
by jennandtonic
I was braced last thursday. The worst thing about it is the sore spots on my cheeks and figuring out how to use the wax.

Getting my wisdom teeth and 4 other teeth out in December, was WAY worse than getting the braces!

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:04 pm
by Dagovernor
I am getting braced on Friday the 10th and I am soooo nervous!!!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:07 pm
by LizzyG
Well tomorrow is the day for me :!:

I have been out and bought some ibuprofen, and a waterpik. Oh and stocked up on soup!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:09 pm
by jennandtonic
LizzyG wrote:Well tomorrow is the day for me :!:

I have been out and bought some ibuprofen, and a waterpik. Oh and stocked up on soup!
Sounds like you're all set! I wasn't prepared at all, hahaha.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:38 pm
by Granola
I think it is so normal to feel nervous. This website has helped me so much in knowing what to expect. I was a little nervous yesterday morning knowing my braces were about to go on, but it went so well, and I'm doing great today. My braces are much more comfortable than I imagined they would be. I'm sure there will be tenderness and different areas of soreness in my mouth from teeth moving and from the appliance, but right now I only have one little area of cheek soreness from a metal elastic hook that is not even bad enough to need wax. I'm not having any problems eating so far (again, I'm sure this will be changeable). Cleaning and flossing are going really well (Crest Glide threader floss is my new friend).

Good luck to everyone about to be braced!

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:31 pm
by Brandyleigh35
Ok...Got braced Monday so today is day 3. First couple days pretty much sucked. I couldn't eat, my mouth was really sore, and I was popping advil and tylenol every 4 hours. MUCH MUCH better. No pills today, only little bits of wax, and mostly none. Mouth is adjusting and doesn't feel so bad....AND! I could actually eat some real food today.

I actually feel like everything is going to be fine fact I keep checking my teeth to see if they have moved at all! LOL...


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:36 pm
by msviking
I just got my braces today. I only had the upper ones put in though. I think in my next appointment (which is in two weeks) I am going to get my bottom ones on.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:53 am
by snowbunny
Hey Lizzie, how did it go?
I got my braces on today and it went really well. Much easier than I thought. Hope your experience was as good.
Making a mushy curry to eat..hope I can manage it!