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Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:19 pm
by Joanna20
Hey! Yes I have lost weight when I braces the first time and gained weight when I removed the braces. My face also looked more skinny at the time. But loads of ice cream and stuff!
I hope I get to lose weight as well because I wouldn't mind! I don't want to lose a lot of weight though.
Good luck,

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:38 pm
by kirst1583
Silverware wrote:For those of you who don't want to (or even do) lose weight, I recommend you check out It's free to use the web-based version, and you can input your diet each day (as well as activities) and it will keep track of everything for you.
That site looked great but unfortunately none of it could be changed to metric so it was totally confusing for me. :?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:47 am
by Silverware
I'm in Canada, so I know what you mean. If you ever need conversions, you can simply go to and type "oz to g" or whatever you need and you will get the conversion rate. It's a pain in the butt, but it works.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:43 am
by kirst1583
Yep. I use the online conversion calculators all the time.
Feet to metres, kilograms to pounds etc. It really is a pain!
Hmm... going off track just slightly. I loved the biggest loser but hated the fact it was all in pounds. I can't wait for Monday when the Aussie version commences. :D

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:26 pm
by EdgeofFreedom
I suppose the only people who loose weight when they get the braces put on are the ones who don't need to loose weight. The irony of life I tell you!

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 11:11 am
by JN_Woods
I too have lost weight with braces, without trying. My family is concerned about it but it's only like 5-10 pounds. I had to go buy all new clothes because none of my pants fit me anymore, so I would say I'm not too happy about losing the weight.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 12:31 pm
by Brandyleigh35
I have lost weight also without trying. Now I'm personally not sad about it just yet, as I can lose a few and not have a big problem, but it does worry me a bit. I have lost 4 since getting my braces put on last Monday. I will most certainly lose weight when I have the SARPE next month also, so if I continue to lose it could become problematic!

I feel like I have been eating pretty well, I do know that it takes longer though, thus I'm eating slower so probably less. I'm also not snacking near as much which I'm sure is a big part of the weight loss.

I'm worried about my son though, as he will be getting braces fitted tomorrow and he is already a chopstick! He cannot afford to lose 5 or 10 lbs. He is in 8th grade and only weighs 78lbs! He is just a tiny little guy (hormones have not kicked in yet.) I went out and loaded up on soft foods as well as ice cream so he can have protein smoothies etc. I plan to try and keep him eating on a regular basis with high protein foods. At least for the first few days so that he doesn't drop too much!


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:51 am
by jennandtonic
Brandyleigh35 wrote:I have lost weight also without trying. Now I'm personally not sad about it just yet, as I can lose a few and not have a big problem, but it does worry me a bit. I have lost 4 since getting my braces put on last Monday. I will most certainly lose weight when I have the SARPE next month also, so if I continue to lose it could become problematic!

I feel like I have been eating pretty well, I do know that it takes longer though, thus I'm eating slower so probably less. I'm also not snacking near as much which I'm sure is a big part of the weight loss.

I'm worried about my son though, as he will be getting braces fitted tomorrow and he is already a chopstick! He cannot afford to lose 5 or 10 lbs. He is in 8th grade and only weighs 78lbs! He is just a tiny little guy (hormones have not kicked in yet.) I went out and loaded up on soft foods as well as ice cream so he can have protein smoothies etc. I plan to try and keep him eating on a regular basis with high protein foods. At least for the first few days so that he doesn't drop too much!

Macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, and lasagna! That's all i had for the first week. And I bet he won't mind all that much if you load him up with ice cream, too. :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:02 pm
by mia_cro
I feel like I lost a kilo,and it's only been 8 days with braces.
No more snacks,especially midnight snacks- that's what's killing me!
I've stopped eating out of house since I brush and use the oral irrigator (not the thing you can carry to work) right after a meal.
I know lot of friends who had the same habit first few months but got sick of it afterwards and returned to normal eating habits...
I cannot believe how many times I sad: No thanks,I brushed my teeth...aaarhgg... I turned down chocolate cake today...

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:55 pm
Glad to see i'm not alone. I'm 6ft and started out weighing 165 before braces. I'm down to 145 6 months later. It's really hard for me to gain weight but easy to lose. Most people hate me for this but folks don't understand that for us "skinny" folks who don't really want to be "skinny" its the same as being overweight, not matter what we do we just can't gain . 7 months later and i'm still having a hard time chewing on one side so its, still tough. I can't wait to get these things off. Thanks for letting me know i'm not alone.